They don’t write songs like this anymore! Bob Dylan and James Brown’s amazing duet on Like A Rolling Sex Machine was the highlight of this old episode of Wolfman Jack’s short-lived TV show.
A message from the President of the United States (videos)
Ladies and gentlemen, please rise as we welcome the President of the United States.
Mas…A message from the President of the United States (videos)
Know your cultural history? What’s wrong with these pictures?
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up! On vocals, Mountain Chief of the Blackfoot.
Mas…Know your cultural history? What’s wrong with these pictures?
Star Wars meets Dia de Los Muertos in these drawings (toons)
José Pulido created these Star Wars drawings in the style of the Day of the Dead art: Link – via Boing Boing
Mas…Star Wars meets Dia de Los Muertos in these drawings (toons)
Laurel and Hardy (El Gordo y El Flaco) ‘Oye Como Va’ (video)
Amazing dancers, these two old gabachos. And who is that playing the music?
Fresh off the Photoshop: ‘Girl with a parole hearing’ (toon)
Does this prison outfit make my butt look fat? [Illustration by jimwich]
Mas…Fresh off the Photoshop: ‘Girl with a parole hearing’ (toon)
Ukraine’s top belly dancer vs Santana’s ‘Black Magic Woman’ (video)
Alla Kushnir (AKA Leila) was Miss Belly Dance of Europe 2008, and winner of the Ukranian Belly Dance Championship in both 2007 and 2008. Carlos Santana is a Bay Area guitarist and bandleader.
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!
QUESTION: How can you tell when Cinco de Mayo has turned into a totally American holiday? ANSWER: When gabachos from Tennessee start making rap videos about it in broken Spanglish! Dear Hootie (AKA Hoochie) and the Brofish: Orale!
For your Only in Los Angeles moment, check out a local news video about Cinco de Mayo at MexiKosher, a kosher Mexican restaurant in the heavily-Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood:
Mas…Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!