Philly’s Frankford section still isn’t heaven, but it has tacos! (videos)

In the late 1960s, Philadelphia band The American Dream had a local hit with a novelty song about public transportation and the North Philly neighborhood of Frankford.

You Can’t Get to Heaven on the Frankford El,” they sang, “because the Frankford El goes straight to Frankford.” As a refugee from Philly living in LaLa Land since the late 1970s, that was the last time I thought about Frankford, until I found this new video about a taco truck bringing some cool comida to the hood.

Mas…Philly’s Frankford section still isn’t heaven, but it has tacos! (videos)

Fat foodaholic gabacho drinks Corona and makes corn tortillas (video)

Chris Donovan of FatFoodaolics shows us How to Make Corn Tortillas the Wrong Way. Huh? He explains:

Tortillas! One of my favorite foods on the planet. Nothing better then a Taco or Burrito smothered with cheese, sour cream, pico de gallo, etc. One thing, I can never replicate what I get in a good Mexican restaurant with store bought corn tortillas. So I figured I give making them a try.

How-to Recipe Video: Korean pork belly bulgogi tacos with peanuts

Gabiekook shows us how to make Korean pork belly bulgogi tacos with peanuts. But first you need to answer her question: [[우리집에왜왔니?]] 국가비의 코리안 타코편 (Why did you come to my house?) Aside from the religious issues we have regarding wheat vs corn tortillas, the marinade and saucing stuff look muy rico! Oh, and nice mustache!

Mexican Food in Slo-Mo: Burrito Mariachi promo video

Burrito Mariachi Mexican Grill, with three location on New York’s Long Island, posted a sexy slo-mo video of their food preparation. Try not to drool as you watch flying lechuga, grilling carne asada, guacamole in production, salsa from scratch, a cold bar, a hot bar, chopping cebollas, two kinds of arroz, frijoles, pico de gallo, and gigantic burritos being assembled. What’s for lunch by the way? Let’s get Mexican! [Video by JING.]