¡Mira! These are the Pocho Ocho Most Mexican Countries
¡Mira! Japanese chicas who dress like cholas I mean Chicanas (video)
Connie Wang travels to Nagoya, Japan to speak with local women who dress like Chicanas. You won’t believe what happens next!
Kap G’s question for the President: What’s a day without a Mexican?
Atlanta’s Kap G — born George Ramirez — has a question for the president:
Mas…Kap G’s question for the President: What’s a day without a Mexican?
Want to join La Migra? Check out Border Patrol boot camp (video)
The Border Patrol is looking for more agents, so Univision went to boot camp to film their military-style training and talk to the newbies. Half of the recruits, it turns out, are Latinos.
POCHO OVAL OFFICE THEATER TRIPLE FEATURE: Blood In, Blood Out; El Norte; y Mi Vida Loca; PLUS Our Hero, Speedy Gonzales, in Mexicali Shmoes
Not racist trainer: ‘I was only giving free coffee to that Mexican worker’
(PNS reporting from CENTURY CITY) The area “villain” of a viral video — she was filmed transferring some delicious hot coffee to a Latino contractor at a condo complex here — has denied being a racist.
Mas…Not racist trainer: ‘I was only giving free coffee to that Mexican worker’
The Legend of The Wolf Woman/La Loba, The Bone Woman/La Huesera (video)
La Loba, from film student Margarete Laue re-imagines the traditional Mexican folk tale popularized by Clarissa Pinkola Estés in Women Who Run With the Wolves:
She creeps and crawls and sifts through the mountains and dry riverbeds, looking for wolf bones.
Hey, USA! It’s time to change your ‘Dirty Diaper’ (video, lyrics)
POCHO amigo Eric Holland thinks something smells funny in the United Estates. (Eric is a new dad which may account for the diaper analogy.)
Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Hey, USA! It’s time to change your ‘Dirty Diaper’ (video, lyrics)