In Paracho, Michoacan, they still make guitars by hand (video)

In Michoacan, Mexico, the town of Paracho de Verduzcoo has a unique claim to fame. Many in the town of 30,000 — known as the “Guitar Capital of Mexico” — make their living crafting guitars. The streets are lined with shops featuring some of the most beautiful guitars in the world. Director Andre Arevalo met a guitar maker from Paracho and asked him a few questions about the past, present and future of guitar making in his pueblo.

We’ve asked for his name and the name of his shop so we can give him props.

While we’re waiting for that info, and in celebration of the artisans of music, here’s an unsolicited plug for a POCHO amigo just like that who doesn’t know about this:

Mas…In Paracho, Michoacan, they still make guitars by hand (video)

LatinoUSA NPR Audio: The 1% and 99% of Mexico meet in NYC


LatinoUSA’s Antonia Cereijido writes the intro:

If you go to a high-end restaurant in New York City, there’s a good chance that you’re dining among some of the wealthiest Mexicans in the world and being served by some of the poorest. This story was produced in collaboration with Round Earth Media. Tyler Kelley is a co-reporter on the piece.

[Mariachi Restaurant in Astoria, Queens, NY, photographed by Aude. Some rights reserved.]

Mexico: FOR Liberty, AGAINST Nazis (WWII toons, video)

mexiconaziSeventy-some years ago, Mexico joined the Allies (AKA the United Nations) to fight against Nazi Germany. Contrast and compare with 2016 when the U.S.A. will soon be “led” by its very own homegrown fascist.

Back in the good old days, the U.S. Office of Inter-American Affairs produced and released the propaganda flick Mexican Moods praising our new World War II BFFs south of the border, the place where cheeto boy wants to build his wall.

Mas…Mexico: FOR Liberty, AGAINST Nazis (WWII toons, video)

Vote! Damian Lopez Rodriguez died to become a citizen (video)

Damian Lopez Rodriguez was brought to the USA without documents as a child — you know, one of those rapists and narcos from Mexico Donald Trump is going to deport.

Damian loved his new country so much he enlisted in the Army when he turned 18. After he died in Iraq, he was granted posthumous citizenship by President George Bush. Damian’s dad has faith his son in Heaven is voting in this election. Are you?

Can you show us, Salvador, how you make tacos al pastor? (video)

Salvador Santiago demonstrates how he makes tacos al pastor in a video by NOTIMEX, an official government propaganda agency. Still legit, though. PRO TIP: “Trompa” means “horn” and reflects the shape of the meat on the vertical rotisserie spit. The vertical spit — estimated birthdate 1950s — is either from Turkey or Greece or Arab countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, and that’s not an argument where POCHO wants to choose sides.

Talk and Sing Like a Mexican Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (music video)

It’s International Talk Sing Like A Pirate Day and we’re please to present not only a “sea shanty” about being a pirate, but one about the Mexican-American war of the 1850s. It’s even in Wikipedia! This video of Santy Anno has music by Forebitter and Lord Cavendish manga-influenced artwork assembled by uploader LordDrakoArakis, probably not his real name.

Here’s the some of what Wikipedia says about this traditional song:

Mas…Talk and Sing Like a Mexican Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (music video)

All about the ‘Maiz’ (video)

Corn — Maiz — is central in the Mexican food culture and was first cultivated over 100 centuries ago. Here is a short tribute to maiz, the golden gift of Mother Nature. [Video by Marysol.]