POCHO History 101: Undocumented Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving (video)
The Pilgrims, after all, were boat people fleeing religious oppression, ordinary families seeking freedom in a new land. But no one expects the Algonquin Migra. [Video by the 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors.]
Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’
Former nice Jewish boy and current White House official Stephen Miller coagulates coordinates Trump’s bloody anti-immigrant message and policies.
This begs the musical question: What would Miller rap about if he were a self-hating Mexican and not a self-hating Jew?
Mas…Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’
What’s in the ‘fake news’ today at SARAPE’s GRILL? (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL.
Let’s take a look ….
Mas…What’s in the ‘fake news’ today at SARAPE’s GRILL? (toon)
In ‘Welcome to America’, undocumented Yeni González crosses the country to be reunited with her kids stolen by La Migra (video)
Yeni González is one of the mothers who suddenly found herself thousands of miles away from her children this spring, after the alt-white regime’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy went into effect. This TIME Red Border Film documentary shows how grassroots activists banded together to transport González from a detention center in Eloy, AZ, to New York City, where her children were placed at a social service agency after the undocumented family crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and was apprehended by the Border Patrol in May.
About those all-gender restrooms at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL.
Let’s take a look ….
Mas…About those all-gender restrooms at SARAPE’s GRILL (toon)