McDonald’s plans Golden Arches for Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza


Company claims indigenous communities lived on maiz, tortillas and McRibs

(PNS reporting from CHICHEN ITZA) In a fresh effort by McDonald’s to prove that “tamales are a thing of the past,” the U.S. food chain has opened locations at famed Aztec and Mayan sites of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, with plans to expand to Guatemala’s Tikal and Peru’s Machu Picchu, according to a spokesperson.

Mas…McDonald’s plans Golden Arches for Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza

Star Trek Native America: The Prime Directive (mostly SFW video)

What happens when indigenous Star Fleet Captain James T. Kirk violates the Prime Directive? Will he create an alternative universe? (Caution: one “adult” word.) Let’s tune in….



Mas…Star Trek Native America: The Prime Directive (mostly SFW video)

¡Orale! Anti-NDN racism is gone in Cleveland (It’s all over, right?)

roche_and_pedro_rodriguezOld racist times are they a changin’?

Monday was the day for the long-awaited peace summit between the two opposing subjects of my eerily-accurate anti-mascot cartoon from 2002.

“But dude, I’m honoring you!” came to the Cleveland Indians stadium to apologize to the Native American anti-mascot protester.

Indian Country Today Media Network reports:

Mas…¡Orale! Anti-NDN racism is gone in Cleveland (It’s all over, right?)

1950s Forbidden Love: White woman ❤️ Native American man (toons)

forbiddenlovecoverForbidden to Love Him (1953), features a handsome Native American guy who can “pass” as white and his sweetie, a hot blonde. No biggie, eh? In 1950s America, interracial marriages were maligned by racists and actually forbidden by some states’ anti-miscegenation laws.

Check out these highlights via Pappy’s Golden Age Comics Blogzine:

Mas…1950s Forbidden Love: White woman ❤️ Native American man (toons)

Scientists: We’ve decoded more than 80% of Mayan hieroglyphs

maya codexThe meaning of the intricate and striking hieroglyphs of the ancient Mayans have resisted decoding for centuries, but now some scientists claim the secrets will soon be revealed.

Ancient Origins reports:

For hundreds of years, linguists have been trying to decode the ancient hieroglyphic script of the Mayans, left behind on monument carvings, painted pottery, and drawn in handmade bark-paper books.

Mas…Scientists: We’ve decoded more than 80% of Mayan hieroglyphs

In the Pacific NW, these are not the droids you’re looking for (toons)

star-wars-indian-art-8Artist Scott Erickson re-imagines Star Wars iconography in the style of the natives of the Pacific Northwest:


We each live out our lives, as an amalgam of intertwined narratives, rooted both in chance and intention, influenced heavily by our environment. The Northwest’s distinctive sense of place, stems significantly from the visual gifts of the Indigenous Tribes of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Juxtaposed against a modernizing landscape, their sacred icons are pervasive as rain, depicting narratives as much from long ago, as they are from right here and now.

Mas…In the Pacific NW, these are not the droids you’re looking for (toons)

White Mountain Apache getting more visits from ‘Big Hairy Man’ (video)

hairymanYou call him Bigfoot. The Arizona White Mountain Apache Nation call him the Big Hairy Man. In this suspiciously-truncated and undated local video news report, eyewitnesses including law officers say the tall humanoid is venturing out of humanoid territory and into human territory lots more lately. The reports seem to date from 2009 with scant news since. Coincidence…or conspiracy?

Mas…White Mountain Apache getting more visits from ‘Big Hairy Man’ (video)

Rep. Sanchez mocks American Indians in talk to Indian Americans

sanchezwhoopDemocratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, from Orange County, put her foot in her mouth on Saturday, and she used her hand to do it.

In a speech to Indian American Democrats, she whooped up an “American Indian war cry.”

She was confused, she told a group of Indian American at a party convention in Anaheim, about an upcoming meeting with an Indian American.

“I am going to his office,” she said, “thinking that I am going to meet with a” — then she put her hand over mouth and made the noise that is the stereotypical imitation of a American Indian war cry. “Right? … because he said Indian American.”

Mas…Rep. Sanchez mocks American Indians in talk to Indian Americans

My report and photos from the set of Adam Sandler’s ‘Ridiculous Six’


I had to post this after reading that the actors who walked off Adam Sandler’s Ridiculous Six set get tagged as heroes and those who stayed, like me, get belittled.

My photograph (above) shows two of the men who walked off and the lady who stayed. They’re discussing the film’s infamous script, just after they talked to one of the assistant directors about the script.

PREVIOUSLY: Why I didn’t walk off Adam Sandler’s Ridiculous Six set

Just before he leaves, the man on the right attempts to gather as many of the 100-plus extras into a holding tent like the one pictured (below).

Mas…My report and photos from the set of Adam Sandler’s ‘Ridiculous Six’