Dance along with The 1491s: ‘I’m an Indian, too!’ (music video)

indiantooIf you’ve got to dance to keep from cryin’ — well then, dance to I’m an Indian, too! by the 1491s.  All the kool kids are doing it!

Careful listeners will note actual Native Americans cracking jokes with stereotypical Indian names like “Running Nose,” the same jokes that offended the sensitive extras on Adam Sandler’s Ridiculous Six movie set.  

Mas…Dance along with The 1491s: ‘I’m an Indian, too!’ (music video)

Ricardo Caté’s ‘Without Reservations’: I can’t breathe (toon)

ICantBreatheRicardoCateNative cartoonist Ricardo Caté of the Kewa Pueblo is a friend of POCHO and the author of the hilarious non-PC comic strip Without Reservations, which runs in the Santa Fe New Mexican and soon all over Turtle Island, from beak to tail.

Here one of his characters sports an “I Can’t Breathe” tshirt in support of Eric Garner. In case you didn’t already know, the next most disproportionately killed-by-police group behind African-Americans is Native Americans.

Check out Ricardo’s website here.

Rosebud Sioux Nation: Keystone XL Pipeline Vote is ‘Act of War’

nycnokxlLast week’s vote to approve the controversial Keystone XL pipeline by the Republican-controlled United States House of Representatives constitutes an “act of war” and a “death warrant,” according to the South Dakota Rosebud Sioux (Lakota) Nation, Lakota Voice Rez News reported Friday.

Tribal President Cyril L. Scott rebuked the House, according to Rez News:

The House has now signed our death warrants and the death warrants of our children and grandchildren. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe will not allow this pipeline through our lands. We are outraged at the lack of intergovernmental cooperation. We are a sovereign nation and we are not being treated as such. We will close our reservation borders to Keystone XL. Authorizing Keystone XL is an act of war against our people.

Mas…Rosebud Sioux Nation: Keystone XL Pipeline Vote is ‘Act of War’

The Geronimo Hotshots are on the front line of fire (video)

“That’s what we want them to remember. ‘Those guys are Apaches. And they came in here and put the fire out.'” The Geronimo Hotshots are on the Front Line of Fire combines hot GoPro fire footage with interviews of the forest firefighters from the San Carlos Apache Reservation in southeastern Arizona.

Pre-Hispanic ingredients like bugs make Mexican food special (video)

bugsLong before the European invasion, the original inhabitants of Mexico were making amazingly complex food and taking complete of advantage of every creature that flew, swam, wriggled or crawled. That’s right. We’re talking edible insects. Correspondent Aissa García reports from Mexico, DF for Conexión Global on Caracas, Venezuela network teleSUR:

Mas…Pre-Hispanic ingredients like bugs make Mexican food special (video)

Columbus-ing: Gringos discovering ‘new’ things that aren’t new (video)

QUESTION: What do you call it when white hipsters “discover” new things that aren’t new?
ANSWER: Columbus-ing.


What do you call it when College Humor dot com, who just released this ^^^^ video, discovers a June 6 La Cucaracha toon by POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz?



Mas…Columbus-ing: Gringos discovering ‘new’ things that aren’t new (video)

Heidi Klum to Natives: ‘You’re offended? Boy, is my face red!’ (photos)

redfaceklumWe don’t publish the deets of people who visit POCHO.COM or subscribe to our newsletter but we can assure you that Heidi Klum is neither a visitor nor a subscriber, although she’d be smart to remedy that personal failing ASAP. If she were a regular POCHO-naut, she’d never have consented to the red-face photo shoot for Germany’s Next Top Model.

Klum (photo, above) donned her red-face garb along with the other contestants, and published their photos on her Facebook page:

Mas…Heidi Klum to Natives: ‘You’re offended? Boy, is my face red!’ (photos)

Pan-Latino underground club in Queens: Welcome to Metal Kingdom

Hey! It’s a Cinco de Mayo Sabado Pochonte video shoutout to the heavy metal head banger pochos in New York City — no banda for you! Welcome to Metal Kingdom is a short documentary on an underground Pan-Latino heavy metal club in Queens, NY. Filmed, directed and produced by Denise R. Gaberman. (NSFW language, etc.)

LaChata’s Music Box: Aztlan Underground’s newest video ‘Our Nature’

With love from LaChata: For 20 years, Aztlan Underground has presented an evolution of consciousness intertwined with pre-Colombian thoughts, feelings and sounds. In a search for the other — the unknown — Aztlan Underground gives birth to a visceral sound that challenges listeners.

Check out their new, visually-stunning music video Our Nature. It starts with indigenous drums, channels the apocalyptic opera of the Doors and celebrates the natural animal spirit that inhabits us all.

From the hidden vaults of the Mayan pyramids, two more videos below:

Mas…LaChata’s Music Box: Aztlan Underground’s newest video ‘Our Nature’

Mayan Doomsday (the video): ‘2012 The Mayan Word’

Here’s a novel idea: Why not ask some Mayans about the impending apocalypse? Undercurrents Alternative News did just that in 2012 The Mayan Word. In Spanish and English with English subtitles, this hour-long documentary takes a look at the impending death and obliteration of the world as we know it and beginning of our glorious metamorphosis into luminous beings of light in the Singularity to come. Or maybe not. The official writeup is below.

Mas…Mayan Doomsday (the video): ‘2012 The Mayan Word’