Latino GOP Texas state rep compares Bernie Sanders with Nazis

villalbapendejoTexas Republican State Representative Jason Villalba, who represents a rich area of Dallas, continues to defend his Tweet implying Senator Bernie Sanders is acting like a Nazi.

Not that Sanders, who is Jewish, IS a Nazi, just sayin’, OK?

Villalba’s remarks are very similar to common misrepresentations of Latino Republican as vendido coconut pendejo babosos.

Not that Villalba IS a vendido coconut pendejo baboso. Just sayin’, OK?

Mas…Latino GOP Texas state rep compares Bernie Sanders with Nazis

Guadalajara kids dance with swastikas. No prob, OK? (video)

nazisWhat exactly is going on here? Sure, the swastika is/was an ancient symbol of good luck that has been tarnished by the slaughter of untold millions, but wassup with the Nazi-rally-sounding soundtrack? And the flags? And the stormtrooper choreography? The uploader says this video is from May 31 in Guadalajara, Mexico. It doesn’t seem very indigenous folkloristic to us. It’s more like Springtime for Hitler in Mexico.

Mas…Guadalajara kids dance with swastikas. No prob, OK? (video)

Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)

bordernazisThese Nazis wear swastikas and call themselves National Socialists, sure, but they’re not really socialists. They’re more nationalists, really, supporting the White Nation. All they want to do is to save America from the loser and quitter immigrants who gave up on their home countries to invade the U.S. of A. After all, integration was forced on the White Man at the point of a bayonet. White people get racially profiled too, you know.

Mas…Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)

Online surge of Constitutional Law, Bible experts slows the Internets

(PNS reporting from SILICON VALLEY) The Internets slowed to a virtual crawl yesterday as millions of experts in Constitutional Law and The Holy Bible took to Twitter and Facebook to educate ignorant netizens about the God-hating freedom-attacking Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

“It was definitely a brownout, dude,” according to 18-year-old Jaime “Twitchy” Loftwich, who runs the worldwide computer network from the basement of his mom’s home in Palo Alto. “Hella load,” he emailed PNS. “I haven’t seen ping times like that since Kim Kardashian was rushed to Cedars-Sinai!”

Mas…Online surge of Constitutional Law, Bible experts slows the Internets

Unmasked! Vatican-Jesuit conspiracy hides truth about aliens (video)

Whistleblower Leo Zagami‘s The Vatican’s UFO Agenda unmasks the shocking New World Order-Zionist-Nazi-Jesuit-Illuminati disinformation campaign to hide the presence of space aliens among us, a centuries-old effort designed to further their vast merchant-of-death world domination power grab.

And be careful what you tell your priest. After all, the so-called Sacrament of Confession is Job One in the Black Popes’ international intelligence-gathering apparatus.