An abused kid prays: ‘Please God, make me a saint’ (NSFW video)
After his mother screams abuse because he won’t go to sleep, a Mexican niño’s prayer requesting God to Make Me A Saint gets answered in a ghoulish nightmare. [This video by Victor Orozco contains some NSFW adult language — pero en español.]
Mas…An abused kid prays: ‘Please God, make me a saint’ (NSFW video)
Iguanas everywhere? This must be Nicaragua (video)
“Traveling to Nicaragua with his family, a young boy finds the world a weirder, scarier, and more difficult place. And filled, stuffed, and absolutely teeming with iguanas,” explains creator Miguel Jeron. The L.A. resident calls his video LA-GAR-TO. We do not know if he rolls his RRRRRR’s.
From Mexican ‘Santa Claus’ (1959): Lupita’s Devil Dream (video)
Here’s maybe the most famous scene from K. Gordon Murray’s English dub of the low-budget live-action Mexican classic Santa Claus. In this scene, which has given kids nightmares for years, Lupita’s dreams are interrupted by the Devil. Santa is able to see it (from his cloud in outer space) thanks to the dream-scope, created by Merlin the Magician.
This trailer is for a 2007 MST3K-style parody version:
Mas…From Mexican ‘Santa Claus’ (1959): Lupita’s Devil Dream (video)