Potty protestors crazier than Michele Bachmann on bath salts (video)
Liberal Redneck Trae Crowder is sortly over hearin’ people carry on about their personal beliefs as it relates to civil rights [NSFW language]:
Nobody’s trying to take your rights. We’re just trying to keep you from doing that to other people. I know you’re a white person in America, so I can see why you’d think this, but telling other people how to live is not a right you have.
You can catch Crowder on tour with the Well Red Comedy crew. Here’s the schedule.
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got video proof!
QUESTION: How can you tell when Cinco de Mayo has turned into a totally American holiday? ANSWER: When gabachos from Tennessee start making rap videos about it in broken Spanglish! Dear Hootie (AKA Hoochie) and the Brofish: Orale!
Swiss band Pizza Prostata says ‘Buenas Tardes, Innuendo’ (video)
Bern, Switzerland band Pizza Prostata wishes a good afternoon to Innuendo.. The band, aside from using random Spanish words as lyrics, specializes in “great songs, badly played, but with passion.“
Letter to the Editor: Do not be pissed crazy from being an expert
Keep your goals dumpy and simple-hearted as you start on a unknown pertinence program. You can without difficulty bowl over yourself if, after a lifetime of being a tete-…-tete potato, you settle on you should be masterly to get the lead out of one’s pants 10 miles at chuck-full alacrity on the treadmill.
At the beginning, keep your goals simple. Start to with well-deserved a trek for a few minutes every other day. Vocation up to longer and more frequent walks as you progress.
A famous health inside information is to dispatch pictures of yourself on online forums to get a critique of your physique. Getting a critique of your bodily structure from other people can aide you look at where your weak areas are. It’s easier exchange for a alien to look at your portion objectively.
Mas…Letter to the Editor: Do not be pissed crazy from being an expert
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!
QUESTION: How can you tell when Cinco de Mayo has turned into a totally American holiday? ANSWER: When gabachos from Tennessee start making rap videos about it in broken Spanglish! Dear Hootie (AKA Hoochie) and the Brofish: Orale!
For your Only in Los Angeles moment, check out a local news video about Cinco de Mayo at MexiKosher, a kosher Mexican restaurant in the heavily-Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood:
Mas…Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!