Mas…La Cucaracha: RFK Jr. campaigns on nostalgia, brain fog, and lies
High fashion lets you look like a cholo – if you have the dinero
Thanks to Professor Eliza Rodriguez Y Gibson who pointed my now-scalded eyes, my scarred Mexican-American soul, to this fantabulous atrocity!
Haute couture non-mexican “cholos”!!!! Holy Baudrillard meets Eddie J. Olmos’s Pachuco — who would be rolling over in his grave if he weren’t still thriving in Hollywood!
Mas…High fashion lets you look like a cholo – if you have the dinero
The Barrio Nostalgia of ‘Veteranas and Rucas’ on Instagram
The internet is so much about what to look at.
For me, that’s weird. You see the bulk of the first part of my life was bound up with reading—which is all about looking at things, reading words, but has little to do with seeing, with reading pictures.
It is true that as a kid, I was all about reading while seeing, with Richie Rich, Mad Magazine, Vampirella, Batman, Eerie, and Plop! infecting the technicolor corridors of my imagination.
But after that came college and graduate school with a major in literature—so novels took over (that and critical theory), so words came to dominate the scene of my life.
Mas…The Barrio Nostalgia of ‘Veteranas and Rucas’ on Instagram
This American Life: Chris Garcia and his dad take a drive (audio)
POCHO amigo Chris Garcia, the man behind our wildly popular Mexican Mitt Romney for President music video, was a guest on radio’s This American Life, an episode on Things You’re Not Supposed to Talk About. One of them is the route you’re driving…
Garcia and his dad were driving home, listening to oldies, sharing a bag of chips. A totally familiar scene for them. They’d driven this route probably hundreds of time, but something odd was happening in the car, so Chris started recording their conversation on his phone. He tells producer Nancy Updike what happened.
Chris starts his story at 44:55 into the show.
Mas…This American Life: Chris Garcia and his dad take a drive (audio)
Breaking: Rick Perry moving West: ‘Let’s turn Cali red!’
(PNS reporting from AUSTIN) Rick Perry told a crowd of press and supporters here Monday that he will not seek another term as Texas governor when his term expires in 18 months.
Instead, the longest-serving governor in Texas’ history said he was going to do the unthinkable: move to California to turn the state back into a Republican stronghold.
“Now that Democrats have set their sights on Texas, I want to return the favor and head to the Golden State and bring a brand of compassionate conservatism that ruled the state in the good ol’ days,” the former GOP presidential nominee wannabe said.
Mas…Breaking: Rick Perry moving West: ‘Let’s turn Cali red!’
Pocho Ocho 90s things I wish were back that aren’t Pete Wilson

It looks like the 1990s are back now that former Gov. Pete Wilson (R-CA) is in the political spotlight as the new chairman of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.
I liked the 90s, but why doesn’t good stuff come back? You know, stuff like crushed velvet and bell sleeves, Beverly Hills 90210 fashion and NAFTA. Here are the top eight things they should bring back!
8. The promise of flying cars, where are the flying cars?!
7. TV shows filled with healthy white kids with nice teeth, a la, 90210 and Saved by the Bell.
6. Headbands, butterfly patterns, crushed velvet and choker (necklaces) — fashion!
Mas…Pocho Ocho 90s things I wish were back that aren’t Pete Wilson