Don’t let the door hit you in the nalgas, Rex Tillerson! (toon)

Lest we forget: Just because Trump fired and insulted them … doesn’t mean they’re not still corrupt, money-grubbing assholes who were unqualified for their positions in the first place. Now that they’re out of the administration, they’ll just go back to sucking out the marrow of the everyman in the corporate world and making billions off of Trump policies.

¡Japi Januka! A kosher carnitas y nopales burrito inside a donut (video)

The signature foods of Chanukah, which begins tonight, are potato latkes — as prepared by Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis — and sufganiyot, Israeli-style donuts. Both foods, tu sabes, are fried in oil, commemorating the milagro at the heart of the Chanukah story.

Which is why, two years ago, before we thought of Mexican Turducken-style gag dishes we could attribute to Rick Bayless, Mexikosher chef (and Chopped winner) Katsuji Tanabe created a nopales and kosher carnitas burrito stuffed inside a donut/sufganiyot. Really.

Don’t cry for me Argentina: How NOT to make a taco! (video)

mexikoshertacoThis is HOW NOT MAKE A TACO … NO NO NO NO

Chef Katsuji Tanabe of Mexikosher got all indignant on his Facebook page, and he wasn’t the only one. Why so mad? It’s that darn Argentinian Chef Maru Botana and her how-to-make-a-taco video.

Argentine Chef Maru Botana Crucified On Twitter For Mocking Mexican Food was the headline in the “Latin Times,” an English-language website despite its name. Maria G. Valdez reporting [*Latin translation by Google below.]:

Mas…Don’t cry for me Argentina: How NOT to make a taco! (video)