Team Spirit’s party anthem ‘Jesus, He’s Alright’ nails it (video)
Whatever you think about Jesus, no one can deny he throws an epic party. No loaves nor fishes were harmed in the filming of this new Team Sprit video. Baby, save the next life for me.
Darlene Love: ‘Christmas for the Jews’
Rock ‘n’ roll diva Darlene Love explains: All the goyyim disappear to gather round the fire but out on the town, and in Chinese restaurants, it’s Christmas for the Jews!
Can you donate $5 or $10 so we can make more ñews y satire? |
The Day After the Mayan Apocalypse (totally NSFW video)
It’s bad enough if you have to come into work on a Saturday, and even worse when it’s the day after the Mayan Apocalypse! (Totally NSFW.)
Take back the world: Vote the Dinosaur Party in 2012 (toon)
Pocho Ocho top differences between Republicans and Democrats
What, you may axe, distinguishes the Republican and Democratic parties?
Here’s our list of the the Pocho Ocho top differences:
8. GOP: Ted Nugent; Dems: Ted Nguyen
7. GOP: Hands off my guns; Dems: Hands off my vagina
6. GOP: “Boy the way Glenn Miller played”; Dems: “I’ll be there for you”
Mas…Pocho Ocho top differences between Republicans and Democrats
Comic Luke Torres loves La Gente: ‘Mexicans 101’ (video)
Stand-up comedian Luke Torres loves his family and his gente. Does his family seem like yours?
Hot improv mob gets all wet Hermosa at Black Tie Beach Party (photos)
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Those intrepid improvisationalists from GuerillaLAImprov (photo, right) staged their Second Annual Black Tie Beach Party at Hermosa Beach Saturday, and POCHO amigo and ace photog Dan Cooke was there.
Black Tie Beach? Huh? You get all dressed up like you’re going to the prom and then you go swimming. What’s so hard to understand about that? Especially in this weather.
Peep these big versions of the shenanigans and check out the link to the complete Beach Tie Beach Party photo album:
Mas…Hot improv mob gets all wet Hermosa at Black Tie Beach Party (photos)
It’s my quince and I’ll dance if I want to – all sexys invited! (video)
Attention sexy, sixpack guys! It’s Colibritany’s big day and you’re invited:
Hola Sexys!! Quiero invitar a los chambelanes más guapos y galanes a mi fiesta de XV!!! Va a haber de todo, brindis, pastel, cochinita y tamales de caviar, recuerda que debes de llegar puntual. 🙂
(Click on the CC icon for English titles.)
Quinceañera GOP fundraiser planned for princess Ann Romney
(PNS reporting from LOS ANGELES) Greater Los Angeles Hispanic Republicans (GLAHR) will host a fundraiser Sunday for the GOP nominee wannabe Mitt Romney — a gala named after his wife: Ann’s Quinceañera.
The campaign event, patterned on a Mexican girl’s coming of age celebration, will celebrate Ann Romney as quinceañera. Tickets are available from GLAHR for a $1,500 donation, while padrino sponsorships are available starting at $15,000.
“This is an opportunity for the Hispanic community to get to know Ann and Mitt, and for us to give Ann the quinceañera that she never had,” GLAHR president, Louis Barba — also padrino of the cake — told PNS.
Ann Romney already had her dress fitting at Memories Boutique in Santa Ana, CA. “Every girl wants to be a princess on her quince, and Ann, well, really is like an actual Mormon-American princess,” store owner Minerva Gallegos, la madrina del vestido, said in a phone interview.
Mas…Quinceañera GOP fundraiser planned for princess Ann Romney
Vegeterrible: Fight to survive behind the refrigerator doors (video)
A wild fiesta behind closed refrigerator doors turns into a nightmarish slaughterhouse when a rotten avocado crashes the party and eats the guests. Vegeterrible, where the last tomato fights for survival, is from Denmark. FYI, we have another avocado video right here!
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!
QUESTION: How can you tell when Cinco de Mayo has turned into a totally American holiday? ANSWER: When gabachos from Tennessee start making rap videos about it in broken Spanglish! Dear Hootie (AKA Hoochie) and the Brofish: Orale!
For your Only in Los Angeles moment, check out a local news video about Cinco de Mayo at MexiKosher, a kosher Mexican restaurant in the heavily-Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood:
Mas…Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!
Pocho Ocho signs your Super Bowl party is in trouble
8. It’s half-time and your friends are still trying to decode the Roman numerals.
7. Everyone’s trying to explain to Tio Frank why only the runty guys get to kick the ball.
6. Your morbidly obese pal keeps shoving nachos in his mouth and shouting instructions to the athletes on TV, oblivious to the irony.