In South Philly, immigrant restauranteurs worry about Trump (videos)
Donald Trump’s racist anti-immigrant rhetoric is a big worry for immigrant-owned businesses. The owners of a South Philadelphia staple, South Philly Barbacoa — around the corner from the famed Italian street market — are concerned about what a victory by GOP haters might mean for their family. [Video by Cora Cervantes.]
Mas…In South Philly, immigrant restauranteurs worry about Trump (videos)
R U READY? It’s time for ‘The Donald Victory Dance!’ (video)
Can you Dance Like Donald? All the kool kids are doing it! [Video by BlueDogFilms.]
All we are asking: ‘Who’s Gonna Build That Wall?’ (music video)
Donald Trumpendejo wants a wall on the border with Mexico. “Who’s Gonna Build That Wall?” ask singers and writers Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez. [Video by Jeth Weinrich.] But who is Chip Taylor?
What do real Americans say about Donald Trump? (video)
Forget the conspiracy of (((International Bankers))) and the (((Media Elite))) who are ganged up on Donald Trump. What do real voters have to say?
Señor El Trumpón, El Cabrón: Chinga tú dinero! (audio, lyrics)
POCHO amigos songwriters and singers Tapia Corel y Jim Rhodes (aka Partners in Crime) present Trumpón, “…inspired by the antics of Donald Trump, who has continued to defy disbelief, no matter what he says or does.”
Los lyrics:
Mas…Señor El Trumpón, El Cabrón: Chinga tú dinero! (audio, lyrics)
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK – the NSFW music video
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK!. [Music video by Kim Boekbinder.] (NSFW F-Bomb.)
Tremendous Trump action figure ‘bashes all he can with his tiny hands’
Sing along now:
The Donald from TV, gets his feelings hurt and then becomes Tremendous Trump! America’s great again! He bashes all he can, with his tiny hands! Tremendous Trump! Tremendous Trump! Tremendous Trump! Trump!
‘That Mexican Thing Again’ ringtones make America great again (audio)
Make America Great Again with Mike Pence That Mexican Thing Again ringtones.
They’re the perfect audio identifiers for those extra especial phone calls!
Mas…‘That Mexican Thing Again’ ringtones make America great again (audio)
That time Trump bulldozed Sesame Street to build a Starbucks (video)
The corporate media won’t show this devastating documentary footage but POCHO is not afraid to expose how Donald Trump’s ruthless business tactics led to the destruction of a cherished, historic New York City neighborhood called Sesame Street.
If elected, Trump will deport this Harvard University graduate (video)
In La Graduación | The Graduation by Anna Clare Spelman, we meet an undocumented Latinx DREAMer about to graduate from the Harvard’s Kennedy School with a master’s degree. Thank God Donald Trump promises to deport rapists and narcotrafficantes like her and her mom!
MEXCLUSIVE: Trump’s Pocho Ocho Most Awkward Income Tax Deductions
Donald Trump’s leaked tax returns prove he played the system to avoid paying his fair share of taxes.
The lamestream media is all over the big ticket items, so POCHO’s crack team went extra deep into the documents to find some smaller write offs the Donald didn’t want the public to see.
We call these Mexclusive discoveries Donald Trump’s Pocho Ocho Most Awkward Income Tax Deductions:
8. Loss carry-forward on Cheeto Powder Commodity Futures Trading
7. Weaves-Я-Us Perpetual Care
6. Depreciation on WifeBot2000
Mas…MEXCLUSIVE: Trump’s Pocho Ocho Most Awkward Income Tax Deductions
Pocho Ocho most damaging Tweets Trump went back and deleted
Reports are circulating that Donald Trump and/or his staff have been combing over his Twitter timeline and deleting embarrassing Tweets — remarks he and his campaign no longer want to defend. One Tweet he wishes wasn’t his claimed that China invented climate change to steal American jobs, a Tweet ridiculed Monday night by Hillary Clinton (photo.)
POCHO’s staff has been going over the Twitter archives and grabbed screenshots of some @RealDonaldTrump Tweets that are probably next on the deletion hit list.
Here are the Pocho Ocho Most Damaging:
Mas…Pocho Ocho most damaging Tweets Trump went back and deleted
Donald Trump is The Great Baboso
For those of you not familiar with the Spanish word “baboso,” it generally refers to someone that is irresponsible or not intelligent. And its close cousin “babosadas,” refers to when a person talks nonsense or rubbish. In the current political atmosphere, the words are apt. Indeed, the words go a long way to explain why the world seems to be upside down at the moment.