[Payton Hoegh toons regularly at Weekly Political dot com.]
Why did Trump fire FBI director Comey? (toon)
Trump and O’Reilly up in a tree, A-S-S-A-U-L-T-I-N-G (toon)
Congressional Republicants search for ‘the real leaker’ (toon)
Abstenganse de molestar! We are not pendejos! (photo)
“It’s Proselyte Week here in Orange Aztlán,” POCHO’s anonymous Orange County photographic contributor emailed Wednesday. He put this sign on the front door of his Anaheim townhouse.
“Person after person is coming to ask whether we’ve found Jesus (“¿Ya se les extravió Jesús otra vez?! Qué descuidados son los cristianos con su salvador…”), to try and tell us Trump is more than just a bloviating human camote, to sell crappy chocolates for dubious fundraising efforts, etc. This sign has only been up for a few hours, but so far no one has knocked.”
Ask A Mexican: What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?
POCHO’s Associate Naranjero Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano answers the pregunta “What part of ‘illegal’ don’t Mexicans understand?” with his own question for pinches Know Nothing gabachos.
Mas…Ask A Mexican: What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?
Political Science: How a bill becomes a law (toons, video)
Last week, the Republican-uncontrolled House of Representatives failed to pass a minimal spending bill to help with the unexpected crush of Central American refugees, adjourned, and then reconvened to approve a mean-spirited barebones measure that also would reverse President Obama’s DACA relief for DREAMers, and worse. Then they adjourned again.
Of course, the bill has no chance of passage in the Senate, let alone getting a Presidential signature.
Their obstructionist mission accomplished, the do-nothing pendejos left town for their summer hideouts in the rich white safety of their home districts.
Their Tea Party-twisted debates, however, left a lingering aroma over Capitol Hill, and it wasn’t Laspang Souchong.
SPOILER ALERT: The aroma was SHIT.
Mas…Political Science: How a bill becomes a law (toons, video)
GOP primary votes drive ‘knowledge industry’ shares lower

The Reading Is Fundamental index tracks firms like academic textbook publishers, for-profit educators and sliderule manufacturers.
The RIF index, which reached its highest level (3,141,592) immediately after the election of then Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) in November 2008, sunk to a new low of √-1 in after-hours trading.
Mas…GOP primary votes drive ‘knowledge industry’ shares lower