Mas…Thank God It’s Frida: Five Frida Kahlo Photos for Your Friday
Frida Kahlo’s father Guillermo took these photos of his little girl
These photographs of young Magdalena Carmen Frieda, later known as Frida Kahlo, were taken by her Hungarian Jewish father Guillermo, over a period of 20 years. Baby Frida is two years old in this first shot.
Mas…Frida Kahlo’s father Guillermo took these photos of his little girl
Rare photos show Frida Kahlo in the 1950s
In 1950, photographer Gisèle Freund began a two-week visit to Mexico – and stayed for two years.
In Mexico City, Freund hooked up with artistic power couple Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Her black-and-white photographs of the pair are now available in the newly published Frida Kahlo: The Gisèle Freund Photographs.
New Mexico petroglyphs: Headlines from the past (photos)
There’s lots to see in Placitas, a small New Mexico community north of Albuquerque between the Sandia and Santa Ana Pueblos. If you take a stroll through the foothills, chances are you’ll spot ancient petroglyphs amid the hoof prints of wild horses.
And that’s what I found on a jog Sunday near my home.
On top of a hill I spotted petroglyphs of animals, insects, and other images lost to history. They were most likely created by the indigenous people of the region hundreds of years ago. Hopi journalist Patty Talahongva says they are headlines from the past.
Next to them, unfortunately, were a few scratches (defacing) likely made by area residents in recent years.
Mas…New Mexico petroglyphs: Headlines from the past (photos)
Cutest historical Native American baby pics evah! (photos)
Paul and Petra Ratner made a film called Moses on the Mesa, which tells the true story of Solomon Bibo, the Jewish governor of the Native American tribe of Acoma in the days of the Wild West. And along the way (part of their quest for historical accuracy) they assembled a treasure trove of period photos of Indians, which they share on Facebook.
Mas…Cutest historical Native American baby pics evah! (photos)
Scandal! Kids in Halloween costumes they don’t understand (photos)
Kids! Shorties! Juniors! Little mocosos! They’re ours to play with, especially on Halloween, right?
Mas…Scandal! Kids in Halloween costumes they don’t understand (photos)
These black people are not so amused by white folks (photos)
It ain’t easy being black in a white man’s world, and we have the photos to prove it!
But wait, there’s more!
Mas…These black people are not so amused by white folks (photos)
Artstrike #nomorecuts: Artists fight budget cuts, demand fair taxes
Many visual artists have united for today’s Artstrike #nomorecuts Day of Action. I was invited to contribute a piece that pushes back against the rhetoric of the so-called “Fiscal Cliff,” a construct that seems to be a set up to slash needed social service budgets. We’ve created art to fight budget cuts that impact the poor and middle class and to demand the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.
From the site:
Mas…Artstrike #nomorecuts: Artists fight budget cuts, demand fair taxes
Photos: He’s a real nowhere man lost in paletero land
Artist Ramiro Gomez, Jr. makes the invisible visible as he inserts cardboard images of hardworking Latinos into the landscape of Los Angeles and documents his installation art with photos. At half-past midnight he emailed POCHO:
I went up to Hollywood Blvd. this afternoon and put up my newest cardboard installation. It is on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Curson Ave. I went back tonight and it has not been taken down yet, hopefully, the location I chose allows it to ride for a while.
The big versions of Gomez’ photos are below.
Shoutout to Hollywood peeps: Is the paletero still there? Please share your updates in the Comments section below. Gracias!