president’s day
Barack and Richard: ‘Happy (Black) Presidents Day!’ (toon, video)
Remember the time this 2008 toon somehow turned into a 2009 cover illustration for The New Yorker?
Mas…Barack and Richard: ‘Happy (Black) Presidents Day!’ (toon, video)
A message from the President of the United States (videos)
Ladies and gentlemen, please rise as we welcome the President of the United States.
Mas…A message from the President of the United States (videos)
Elise Roedenbeck’s ‘Mija Weekly’ breaks the ñews 02.18.13 (video)
Happy Presidents Day from Mija Weekly! This week: the State of the Union is doomed! Also, I say adios to el Popa and hello to some ruby red slippers. Last, don’t forget it’s Lent (avoid pork chops and cruise ships.)
Mas…Elise Roedenbeck’s ‘Mija Weekly’ breaks the ñews 02.18.13 (video)
It’s Presidents Day: The good and the not so good (NSFW)
George Washington’s birthday is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first President of Los United Estates, AKA The Father of Our Country. Some people call it Presidents Day (sometimes spelled Presidents’ Day or President’s Day.)
The Not So Good:
Dave Chappelle isn’t so sure about George’s special day, right there in the middle of Black History Month (NSFW Video):
Mas…It’s Presidents Day: The good and the not so good (NSFW)