Real Life Stories: The Cheating Chicano Husband
I always knew that we Chicano men were devious but I never realized just how much. I must admit I have always been the weak-willed type as far as temptation goes, but these past holidays really brought out the worst in me.
I was busy petting my dog named Vato, right before Christmas, when I accidentally hosed down la suegra just as I was finishing watering the lawn. Good thing I was leaving for work.
I heard her say as I was leaving, “¡Desgraciado, hijo de la chi…..! So I quickly drove off. But as I did, I heard her shout out to my wife, “I told you he was evil! How, can I go to Mass all wet, and I wanted so much to show off my new Sunday dress to all my friends.”
Needless to say, I’m glad I left the house rather quickly. Have you ever seen two angry Chicanas gang up on one innocent Chicano? Well, it’s not pretty.
The Gunfather – Padre Pistolas – is Mexico’s pistol-packing priest (video)
That’s why they call him the Gunfather.
Mexican priest Jesus Alfredo Gallegos Lara packed a Colt .45 pistol beneath his vestments Saturday as he celebrated mass at a church in Chucandiro, Michoacan.
Mas…The Gunfather – Padre Pistolas – is Mexico’s pistol-packing priest (video)
Elise Roedenbeck’s ‘MiJA Weekly’ Easter Spirit Special 4.01.13 (video)
This week on MiJA, I get into the Easter spirit while Google pisses a bunch of people off. Also, I don my pink rubber gloves and prove that you’re never too young for senior moments.
Happy Easter!
Exposed! MTV’s Satanic-Masonic War on Christmas (video)
Oh sure, the MTV spot looks like your average Lame Stream Media pandering Christmas-related promo — until you look a little bit closer. Then you see that it’s really a commercial for the Devil!