Dear Photoshop Experts: Can you turn the background black? (photos)

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An innocent netizen asks for help with a photo, like Danilo here, who writes in requesting the Photoshop experts insert a black background into a snapshot:

req. help

help guys
i would like to turn black background this photo but i don't how T-T
pls anyone help me
heres the picture

Danilo’s request gets a prompt reply with a new, Photoshopped image:

Mas…Dear Photoshop Experts: Can you turn the background black? (photos)

Dear Gorton’s: Thanks for the apology but …

Dear Gorton’s Seafood and Rinck Advertising:

I am thrilled to the gills that you took the time to respond. I am a fan of your products, and hope that they reach many more households than mine.

However, your response reveals exactly why you floundered in the first place. You mention that you “used a Spanish translation service,” and that “Spanish-speaking staff members were involved throughout the project.”

You didn’t say that you translated it yourself in-house, or that Spanish-speaking and/or Latino executives (emphasis on executives) oversaw the project.

Instead, it seems like someone internally had the idea to reach out to Latina moms but fish-farmed out the work because you didn’t have the capabilities or experience to do it on your own.

Mas…Dear Gorton’s: Thanks for the apology but …