Happy May Day 2023 from the Workers of the World (video, lyrics)
Enjoy the Internacional, the world-wide (Get it? It’s international!) anthem of those commie cabrones in Russia and Cuba and Venezuela and China and North Korea (and lurking in secretive LGBT drag queen story hour grooming cells here in the Homeland but the lamestream media won’t tell you that).
Today, May 1, is May Day AKA International Workers’ Day, when the comrades sing this stirring appeal, with its hummable melody and a vague vision of making the future great again that’s hard to disagree with, except maybe the LUCHA FINAL aspect.
Mas…Happy May Day 2023 from the Workers of the World (video, lyrics)
‘Get out of the White House,’ angry citizen yells at Trump (video)
POCHO.COM Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz was across the street from the White House — Lafayette Park — on the evening of August 26, 2018, and recorded some FREEDOM OF SPEECH in action.
“Get out of the White House,” this one citizen yelled, echoing the screams of millions of American minds. Also something about Diet Coke, murder and Putin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
La Cucaracha: The Trump Family Circus is all about adoptions (toon)
Mas…La Cucaracha: The Trump Family Circus is all about adoptions (toon)
Trump explains geopolitics to everyone at NATO (toon)
How does Trump celebrate the Fourth of July? (toon)
Melania knows how Mr. Melania can ‘Be Best’ (toon)
[See more Payton Heogh toons at WeaklyPolitical.com]
Trump: ‘But I AM hard on Russia!’ (toon)
Dutch Documentary: Trump is all tied up with the Russian mob (video)
Dutch reporters from the ZEMBLA TV program have been studying the Cheeto Bandito and his ties with shadow Russki figures. Here’s what they found:
Mas…Dutch Documentary: Trump is all tied up with the Russian mob (video)