@UPDATED: Screw you, Trump! Esta tierra es mia tambien! (video)
Wednesday my son’s second grade class in Lemon Grove, San Diego County, California put on a “Veteran’s Appreciation Show.” When the kids began with This Land is Your Land in Spanish, I was moved beyond words.
The significance of this happening right after we elected a white supremacist to the highest office in the land was not lost on me.
Seeing these children of all colors singing this song in Spanish brought me to tears.
Toma Trump! This land is for everyone!!
[Private chef Mark Lane grew up in Lemon Grove, home town of POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz. They are still “friends” on Facebook.]
Mark Lane posted this on Facebook this morning….
Mas…@UPDATED: Screw you, Trump! Esta tierra es mia tambien! (video)
Germans: You go, USA, and ‘Grab US by the P*ssy!’ (music video, lyrics)
Hey, America! You can do anything since you’re a star. Grab US by the P*ssy, please.
Your friends von Desutschland.
[Video via NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE.]Los lyrics:
Mas…Germans: You go, USA, and ‘Grab US by the P*ssy!’ (music video, lyrics)
He was a Latino GOP official, until Donald Trump came along (video)
Ignacio Padilla was always Republican; he even served as treasurer of the party in New Mexico. But everything changed when Trump became the party’s nominee. Padilla started making Trump piñatas and was fired. Now he gives people in Santa Fe a chance to hit Trump.
In South Philly, immigrant restauranteurs worry about Trump (videos)
Donald Trump’s racist anti-immigrant rhetoric is a big worry for immigrant-owned businesses. The owners of a South Philadelphia staple, South Philly Barbacoa — around the corner from the famed Italian street market — are concerned about what a victory by GOP haters might mean for their family. [Video by Cora Cervantes.]
Mas…In South Philly, immigrant restauranteurs worry about Trump (videos)
Joad Cressbeckler: Migrants who survive AZ desert deserve citizenship
On The Cressbeckler Stance, talk show host Joad Cressbeckler says any Mexican who crosses the scorching-hot desert on foot has proved himself worthy of U.S. citizenship.
R U READY? It’s time for ‘The Donald Victory Dance!’ (video)
Can you Dance Like Donald? All the kool kids are doing it! [Video by BlueDogFilms.]
All we are asking: ‘Who’s Gonna Build That Wall?’ (music video)
Donald Trumpendejo wants a wall on the border with Mexico. “Who’s Gonna Build That Wall?” ask singers and writers Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez. [Video by Jeth Weinrich.] But who is Chip Taylor?
Hateline, Las Vegas: This is your country on Trump (Fox 5 News video)
In Henderson, Nevada, an angry Anglo Trump supporter was caught on video last week cursing at Latino construction workers, calling them “illegals,” “wetbacks” and worse. Fox 5 Las Vegas reporter Miguel Martinez-Valle went to find out why the pinche potty-mouthed gringo pendejo was so angry.
CALL FOR COMMENTS: Have any of you pochos been subject to similar harassment lately?
Tell us below!
What do real Americans say about Donald Trump? (video)
Forget the conspiracy of (((International Bankers))) and the (((Media Elite))) who are ganged up on Donald Trump. What do real voters have to say?
Señor El Trumpón, El Cabrón: Chinga tú dinero! (audio, lyrics)
POCHO amigos songwriters and singers Tapia Corel y Jim Rhodes (aka Partners in Crime) present Trumpón, “…inspired by the antics of Donald Trump, who has continued to defy disbelief, no matter what he says or does.”
Los lyrics:
Mas…Señor El Trumpón, El Cabrón: Chinga tú dinero! (audio, lyrics)
ON THIS DAY 1492: Strangers arrive from beyond the sea (toon)
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK – the NSFW music video
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK!. [Music video by Kim Boekbinder.] (NSFW F-Bomb.)
Tremendous Trump action figure ‘bashes all he can with his tiny hands’
Sing along now:
The Donald from TV, gets his feelings hurt and then becomes Tremendous Trump! America’s great again! He bashes all he can, with his tiny hands! Tremendous Trump! Tremendous Trump! Tremendous Trump! Trump!
‘That Mexican Thing Again’ ringtones make America great again (audio)
Make America Great Again with Mike Pence That Mexican Thing Again ringtones.
They’re the perfect audio identifiers for those extra especial phone calls!
Mas…‘That Mexican Thing Again’ ringtones make America great again (audio)
If elected, Trump will deport this Harvard University graduate (video)
In La Graduación | The Graduation by Anna Clare Spelman, we meet an undocumented Latinx DREAMer about to graduate from the Harvard’s Kennedy School with a master’s degree. Thank God Donald Trump promises to deport rapists and narcotrafficantes like her and her mom!
Pocho Ocho most damaging Tweets Trump went back and deleted
Reports are circulating that Donald Trump and/or his staff have been combing over his Twitter timeline and deleting embarrassing Tweets — remarks he and his campaign no longer want to defend. One Tweet he wishes wasn’t his claimed that China invented climate change to steal American jobs, a Tweet ridiculed Monday night by Hillary Clinton (photo.)
POCHO’s staff has been going over the Twitter archives and grabbed screenshots of some @RealDonaldTrump Tweets that are probably next on the deletion hit list.
Here are the Pocho Ocho Most Damaging:
Mas…Pocho Ocho most damaging Tweets Trump went back and deleted
Donald Trump is The Great Baboso
For those of you not familiar with the Spanish word “baboso,” it generally refers to someone that is irresponsible or not intelligent. And its close cousin “babosadas,” refers to when a person talks nonsense or rubbish. In the current political atmosphere, the words are apt. Indeed, the words go a long way to explain why the world seems to be upside down at the moment.
Donald Trump makes cover of Penn alumni magazine (photo)
(PNS reporting from PHILADELPHIA) Donald Trump, Wharton School Class of 1968, is the new cover boy of a University of Pennsylvania alumni magazine mailed today to Penn grads across the country.
Mas…Donald Trump makes cover of Penn alumni magazine (photo)
Pocho Ocho Top GOP Picks for Latinx Heritage Month 2017
“Hispanic” Heritage Month, the officially-approved celebration of Latinx and their contributions to the United Estates of America, started Thursday.
Donald Trump’s GOP has proposed their own list of praise-worthy Hispanix for next year’s fiesta — assuming Trump wins — and POCHO has gotten a sneak peek at their nominations.
Peep this Mexclusive list of the Pocho Ocho Top GOP Picks for Latinx Heritage Month 2017:
8. The Frito Bandito
7. The Taco Bell Chihuahua
6. The Chevy No Va
Hey, Trump! Come down to my barrio and say that again
On the first day of class, I always inform my university students that I hold two PhDs — one from a premier research institution, UC Berkeley, and the other from one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country, East Los Angeles’ Ramona Gardens housing project or Big Hazard projects (named after the notorious gang).
While I’ve relied on my research and analytic skills to criticize Donald Trump, as the Republican presidential nominee, I’ve also depended on my street smarts to deconstruct his extremist politics and erratic behavior. While political foes, pundits, cable news anchors and journalists are bewildered by Trump, I grew up with his type: Wannabe tough guy, bully and hustler. To deal with Trump, we must view him through these typologies, among others, such as xenophobe, racist, money-grubber and liar.