NSFW Video: Jello Biafra and Napalm Death ‘Nazi Trumps F Off!’

Jello Biafra, colorful frontman of legendary punks The Dead Kennedys, joins Napalm Death for a new version of Nazi Punks, F*** Off dedicated to Donald Trump, the alt-white, and their racist supporters. Biafra calls it Nazi Trumps F*** Off. This video is from a 2016 gig at Slim’s in San Francisco.  [MASSIVE F-BOMBARDMENT NSFW.]

[Disclosure: In the early 1990s, I sold my white Pontiac LeMans with the 326 engine and the two-speed automatic to the Dead Kennedy’s road manager. You’re welcome.]

¡Orale! Anti-NDN racism is gone in Cleveland (It’s all over, right?)

roche_and_pedro_rodriguezOld racist times are they a changin’?

Monday was the day for the long-awaited peace summit between the two opposing subjects of my eerily-accurate anti-mascot cartoon from 2002.

“But dude, I’m honoring you!” came to the Cleveland Indians stadium to apologize to the Native American anti-mascot protester.

Indian Country Today Media Network reports:

Mas…¡Orale! Anti-NDN racism is gone in Cleveland (It’s all over, right?)

Pocho Ocho top ways El Chapo could escape again

elchapotunnelMexico has recaptured fugitive drug cartel jefe El Chapo Guzman –– who notoriously tunneled out of a high security prison last summer –- but the criminal mastermind isn’t done yet.

Sources tell our correspondents that Guzman’s narcotrafficante associates are already working on plans to bust the gangster out of his next cellblock; we’ve compiled this list of the Pocho Ocho Top Ways El Chapo Could Escape Again:

8. Trained bats

7. Incredible shrinking ray

6. Those gigantor worms from Tremors

Mas…Pocho Ocho top ways El Chapo could escape again

Hire this animated Mexican ‘bandito’ for only $45 (toons, video)


Yesterday’s Most Pathetic Stereotypes Reimagined for the Digital Age of All our Cyber Tomorrows or Need a Sexy Latina or Bandit for your Animated Video

Next generation digitally-borne stereotypes for millennials and their kids!

Bandits, sexy Latinas, y mucho mas more…ACK!

Does your next CGI animation project need an ugly racist stereotyped Mexican gangster but you’re short on dinero? El Penumbra (The Darkness), a “Mexican Bandito,” can be yours for just $45!

Mas…Hire this animated Mexican ‘bandito’ for only $45 (toons, video)