What if? [NSFW pinche adult language, guey!]
Hate Letter of the Day: Dear Lala, you racist hypocrite
Mexicans and Anglo Americans are exactly alike. You are just as racist Mejicanoh, oh wait, I mean, Chicano… Meixcan American… I forget, you don’t consider yourselves Mexican… or do you. You MeCHA Aztlanersss get me all confused. Or wait, you don’t consider yourselves Latino but rather.. MESSICAN!
ANYWAYS… so, as I was saying, you share the same RACIST views, in fact, you’re no different than right wing Caucasian Americans, whom at least are upfront about their racism and xenophobia, you’re more aligned with Liberal Democrats whom subversively are racist.
Mas...Hate Letter of the Day: Dear Lala, you racist hypocrite
Is Spanish-language TV futbol play-by-play racist? (audio)
When American Latinos watch Spanish-langugage FIFA broadcasts from Brazil, some are shocked by the casual use of words like “greña” and “moreno” that would be considered offensive in the U.S. This report from Public Radio International explores the controversy:
Mas…Is Spanish-language TV futbol play-by-play racist? (audio)
Breaking Ñews: Map shows common Asian languages by state
(PNS reporting from NORMAL, ILL) Demographers at Pocho Asian American Policy Institute (PAAPI) here have just released a new map detailing the most common Asian languages spoken in the U.S., broken out on a state by state basis, in English and Spanish. [Click on image to enlarge.]
Mas…Breaking Ñews: Map shows common Asian languages by state
Wyatt Cenac : Sorry, brown-skinned actors can’t be Hobbits (video)
The Daily Show’s Wyatt Cenac reveals a dark (skinned) secret about the casting of background extras for the Hobbit movies.
Mas…Wyatt Cenac : Sorry, brown-skinned actors can’t be Hobbits (video)
Peru Cam: Sure, we’re mestizo, but we still hate blacks (video)
Who will be the new owner of the L.A. Clippers basketball team when disgraced racist owner Donald Sterling is finally forced out? We sent a camera crew to ask passersby on the streets in Peru.
Mas…Peru Cam: Sure, we’re mestizo, but we still hate blacks (video)
Breaking: Old school papers reveal racist kid Donald Sterling
(PNS reporting from EAST LOS) Disgraced L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, born Donald Tokowitz in Boyle Heights, started off his career in racism early, according to a note uncovered late Tuesday night by the Historical East Latino Los Angeles (HELLA) research project.
Mas…Breaking: Old school papers reveal racist kid Donald Sterling
Jay Smooth: The multi-layered racism of Donald Sterling (video)
WBAI (NYC) DJ Jay Smooth analyzes the Donald Sterling tape chingadera and wonders why adjudicated racist Sterling needed to get caught saying something before people got pissed. East Los homeboy Sterling has been an evil guy for years. And what about the the girlfriend?
Mas…Jay Smooth: The multi-layered racism of Donald Sterling (video)
Stars to record ‘You Are An ^%$#’ for Donald Sterling [photos,video]
(PNS reporting from HOLLYWOOD) Stars from television, music and sports are set to gather in the old A&M sound stages (now the Henson Studios) on La Brea Avenue here today to record a rebuke to Donald Sterling, racist owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.
Galvanized by community organizer Emiliano Zapata Shabazz-Jones, who wears the mantle of slain civil rights pioneer Ricky Martin Luther King, the assembled stars will record The Donald Sterling Song — You Are An ^%$#.
“This ain’t no National Honky League,” Shabazz-Jones wrote in a scorching email scheduling the superstar session, “and we ain’t dancing to no Sweet Georgia Brown on Maggie’s Farm no more!”
Mas…Stars to record ‘You Are An ^%$#’ for Donald Sterling [photos,video]
I got racially profiled for being an Asian (NSFW video)
It’s hard being an Asian in America, Tony Vinh explains to the crowd at Cap City Comedy Club in Austin, TX. For example, you can get racially profiled and people think you have a small penis. [NSFW adult language.]
Ugly Mexicans and sexy gringas — pulp fiction history of hate (toons)
Bill “Memo” Nericcio, author, professor at San Diego State University and proprietor of the Tex[t]-Mex Gallery Blog, collects representations of Mexican-Americans in pop culture.
He just posted a set of scanned 1936-37 covers from pulp fiction magazine Spicy Western Stories and its siblings that all exploit the same stereotype — the leering (ugly) (brown) bandido and the (scantily-clad) (white) chica/victim in distress. Hate much?
The image above is just one slice of the four covers Memo found; the big images of all four are below (click to enlarge):
Mas…Ugly Mexicans and sexy gringas — pulp fiction history of hate (toons)
Pocho Ocho items on Jan Brewer’s bucket list
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer won’t run again, she announced Wednesday, but said her retirement as governor won’t put an end to her dreams.
“A mule is an animal with long funny ears,” she told an audience at a school in Glendale, AZ, “she kicks up at anything she hears. Her back is brawny and her brain is weak, she’s just plain stupid with a stubborn streak. So when I walk out of this school, I’ll still remain a stupid mule.”
There are Pocho Ocho items on her bucket list, Brewja said:
8. Realize her dream of starting a clothing optional retreat with Sheriff Joe Arpaio
7. Spend more time with her coven
6. Convince George Lucas to cast her as Evil Yoda in the next Star Wars movie
Our quest for photos of cactus cakes and cupcakes
Alana Jones-Mann’s DIY: House Plant Cupcakes (photo) were the first to prick our interest when we saw them last week, so we went on a quest for more cactus cupcake photos. (Alana, by the way, is unsurpassed in capturing the true desaturated green-blue color nuances of actual cacti.)
This succulent-looking delectable is on Craftsy.com via Lola T.:
Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
You won’t see THIS ad during the Super Bowl! (video)
Native Americans have many names, but they are not your mascots.
MEX A&E suspends ‘Guac Dynasty’ jefe after hate Tweet
(PNS reporting from MEXICO CITY) Felipe Roberto, star of the reality show Guac Dynasty, which follows the Roberto clan of rude and crude avocado wranglers through their struggle with weeds, bugs and family dysfunction, has been suspended by the Mexican Arte y Entretenimiento TV network (MEX A&E) after his hateful Tweet about Americans went viral, PNS has learned.
Roberto told his 3,827 Twitter followers that he was flying to Los Angeles for Christmas and he hoped he “didn’t get the gays” from the “Hollywood maricons.”
Everyday racist bullsh*t (AKA ‘racial microaggressions’) [photos]
Fordham student Kiyun asked her school friends to “write down an instance of racial microaggression they have faced,” then she took their photos.
Here are (what may be/could be/possibly look like) four of the “Latino” photos [click to enlarge.] The rest are here and here.
Mas…Everyday racist bullsh*t (AKA ‘racial microaggressions’) [photos]
Latino Stereotypes 101: Arsenio Hall and Felipe Esparza (video)
Arsenio Hall and (Last Comic Standing) Felipe Esparza head to Santee Alley in L.A.’s Garment Fashion District to see if they can pin down some Latino stereotypes. Hot sauce, Home Depot and “No hablo ingles” here we come!
Mas…Latino Stereotypes 101: Arsenio Hall and Felipe Esparza (video)
Haters Gonna Hate: Big map of racist/hateful Tweets (infographic)
The infographic map-heads at FloatingSheep.org analyzed geo-tagged Tweets from one week in November last year to generate a hate map of the U.S.
Surprise, surprise — the Old Confederacy had the most haters when slurs about Latinos (Tweets using the word “wetback” and “spick”), African-Americans (“nigger”), Asians (“chink,” “gook”) were tallied (pan-racist map, above.) [Click maps to enlarge.]
Here’s the breakdown of “wetback” Tweets:
Mas…Haters Gonna Hate: Big map of racist/hateful Tweets (infographic)
Aamer Rahman: What’s the deal with white people? (video)
Australian comic Aamer Rahman — half of Fear of A Brown Planet — discusses the pitfalls of trying to joke about race, color and ethnicity.
Mas…Aamer Rahman: What’s the deal with white people? (video)
@SaraChicaD: Does this Halloween costume make me look racist? (video)
POCHO’s Subcommandanta del Ñews, Sara Inés Calderón (@SaraChicaD on the Twitter), has some Halloween costume do’s and dont’s for tonight’s festivities.
Mas…@SaraChicaD: Does this Halloween costume make me look racist? (video)
My proposed redesign for the Washington Redskins mascot (toon)
Here are the existing logo and my redesigned version full size:
Mas…My proposed redesign for the Washington Redskins mascot (toon)
Does this sound familiar? ‘You’re a Latina/o? But you speak so well!’
If you are Latina or Latino, you may have heard comments such as, “Wow, you speak so well… You are not like them… You are really smart… OR You are different and they will really like you.”
You might even be asked repeatedly where you are from if your first answer is a city or state in the U.S.
Remarks like these are called microagressions, according to Silvia L. Mazzula, PhD (Asst. Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY).
These …”subtle forms of racism,” she writes, “…communicate hostile and racial insults. Microaggressions are things said or done – many times unconsciously – that reflect a person’s inner thinking, stereotypes and prejudices. They are difficult to recognize because they are brief, innocuous, and often difficult to see. Why are they important to talk about? Because microaggressions are pervasive and have a detrimental impact on people’s psychological and physiological well-being.”
Mas…Does this sound familiar? ‘You’re a Latina/o? But you speak so well!’
Breaking: Japanese actor Bad Badtz-Maru cast as Chicano
(PNS reporting from TOKYO) Japanese character actor Bad Badtz-Maru will star as a gang-banging, tagging Chicano in a new animated feature called Angry Bird O.G., PNS confirmed on Sunday.
This could be a comeback role for 20-year-old Badtz-Maru (バッドばつ丸). The spiky-haired method actor has found little work since playing the mascot at the 2006 FIBA World Championship of Basketball here.