Chicano Park Autodefensa: ¡Victoria!
They came, on Saturday, they saw, and they were escorted out, as the home team chanted “fuera”… Once again.
Attempting to re- ignite the alt-right revolution with greasy pizza, local hater Roger Ogden and the Border Town Patriots, Inc. (sic) came down to San Diego’s Chicano Park to host “Patriot Picnic 2.0” promising to bring in a large number of supporters — all 25 of them — to stand up against the hundreds from the Chicano Park Autodefensa.
Unlike their response during the first confrontation last October, San Diego Police Department closed Logan Avenue and placed barricades, insuring that both “Patriots” and Autodefensa members remained separate (keeping the “Patriots” enclosed for a few hours until once again escorted out by SDPD).
Public Service Announcement: Please Don’t Bully Nazis (toon)
Don’t Bully Nazis, Please! This Community Advice brought to you by the Scarfolk Council.
Got popcorn? Trump vs Comey vs Wonder Woman (toons, video)
Or maybe we need Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth:
Mas…Got popcorn? Trump vs Comey vs Wonder Woman (toons, video)
Gentrification: Stop complaining, STFU, and GTFO (NSFW video)
The Latino Comedy Project has selflessly written, produced, and uploaded Gentrification Explained, just so you’ll understand why you need to STFU and GTFO. [NSFW language.]
Mas…Gentrification: Stop complaining, STFU, and GTFO (NSFW video)
From the Harvard Library: 5 Ways to Spot Fake News (infographic)
There are people out there that want you to believe their “alternative facts.” Don’t fall for that bullshit. The librarians at Harvard show us all how.
DEPLORABLES! Gay Latino at a right wing press conference (video)
Look! It’s crooked Hillary libtard propaganda from a sinner. Shameless!
Or, as Media Matters, who made this video explains:
Mas…DEPLORABLES! Gay Latino at a right wing press conference (video)
Pocho Ocho Best Ways to #MakeMoviesMexican (via Twitter)
Very late Wednesday night, I created a Twitter hashtag — #MakeMoviesMexican — and asked the Tuiteros if they had suggestions.
Huh? What do you mean? Like this:
#MAKEMOVIESMEXICAN. Gone With the Migra. White Men Can’t Cumbia. Get the idea?
(It turns out I wasn’t the first with this idea. Superstar pocho comic Felipe Esparza tried this concept in February.)
Here are the Pocho Ocho NEW Top Tweets we got in return (racist, ignorant Tweets not included — the entire thread is below.):
8. Mex In The City
7. Dude, Juarez My Car?
6. Finding Chapo
Mas…Pocho Ocho Best Ways to #MakeMoviesMexican (via Twitter)
When ‘Joe’ became ‘José’ his life changed forever (NSFW video)
Out-of-work Joe Sullivan was having a hard time finding a job until he decided to change his name to José. You won’t believe what happened next! [NSFW adult language.]
Mas…When ‘Joe’ became ‘José’ his life changed forever (NSFW video)
National Poetry Month: ‘Obama Shoulda Seen This’ (NSFW video, photos)
National Poetry Month means — to us — poems by and for the people, like Jesús Iñiguez with his poem about immigration. Spoiler alert — Iñiguez is not exactly happy with Administration policies and questions President Obama’s legacy. [NSFW “F-bomb.”]
More from the Obama Legacy blog:
Mas…National Poetry Month: ‘Obama Shoulda Seen This’ (NSFW video, photos)
Sheriff Joe taps George Zimmerman for school posse (photos)
(PNS reporting from PHOENIX) Now we know why child killer George Zimmerman was speeding through Texas with a gun in his vehicle — he was on his way to a new gig in Maricopa County, AZ.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio broke the news in a Tweet late Wednesday night: The sheriff has a new school patrol posse, and it includes Zimmerman, a failed cop wannabe.
Here’s a better picture of this new “sworn officer” (click to enlarge):
Mas…Sheriff Joe taps George Zimmerman for school posse (photos)