Mal★Mart is a good neighbor, supporting local communities and creating jobs all across America — with a smile. Just ask Latina entrepreneur Maria Muñoz of Maria’s Flan.
Ñewsweek: The Chicano handshake, RATM, Bimbo ♥ Twinkie?
Make friends and influence people with a Chicano handshake?
That’s right, pochas y pochos, you too can reinforce your raza credibility with a puro handshake, as Subcommandanta del News Sara Inés Calderón demonstrates in her viral video. She illustrates the proper form for handshakes in Califas and Tejas plus throws in a variation that answers the musical question Why Can’t We Be Friends?
On the music front, Pocho Ñews Service Floridita Burro Jefe Santino J. Rivera takes a look at the contradiction between Rage Against the Machine’s message and some clueless fans’ love of the band. Hint: VP wannabe Paul Ryan isn’t the only doofus.
On the international business news beat, Subcommandante del Cultura Victor Payan blows the lid off the Republican effort to thwart the sale of bankrupt Hostess to Mexico’s Bimbo. Revelations from the TwinkieLeaks website include this money quote from GOP guru Karl Rove: “They can have my DingDong when they pry it from my cold, dead hand.”
And New Jack City Burro Jefe Elise Roedenbeck illuminates the softer side of South America with the sad tale of a Peruvian girl and her llama — a lament for lost youth, innocence and a little girl’s dreams.
These are top stories that broke the ñews on POCHO this week:
Pocho Ñews Insight: Mal*Mart gives back to local communities (video)
This short educational video from Mal★Mart explains how the retail chain is a good neighbor, supporting local communities and creating jobs all across America — with a smile. The case study features Latina entrepreneur Maria Muñoz of Maria’s Flan.
Mas…Pocho Ñews Insight: Mal*Mart gives back to local communities (video)
To: Re: GOP Latino Wrangler
Dear Party of Lincoln:
I am very interested in the Latino Wrangler opening at the Republican National Committee you advertised on CraigsList.
My wife is half Mexican, my son is one-quarter Mexican and I have been to Mexico four times for cheap lobster, not that anyone's ethnicity would be used as a qualification for this job. I'm white, of course.
Mas...To: Re: GOP Latino Wrangler
Pocho Ocho ‘gifts’ Democrats gave Latinos to vote for Obama
Loser and liar Willard “Mitt” Romney finally got something correct! The overwhelming Latino margin for President Bronco Bama was entirely due to “gifts” the Democrats used as bribes. Here are the top eight:
8. Taco Tuesdays covered by Obamacare
7. Rick Bayless gets full-time gig with Food and Drug Administration (Drug Division)
6. New “path to citizenship:” SuperLotto
Mas…Pocho Ocho ‘gifts’ Democrats gave Latinos to vote for Obama
Ñewsweek: Bronco Bama reelected, @MexicanMitt Romney concedes
President Bronco Bama was reelected this week despite the valiant campaign mounted by Juan Percenter @MexicanMitt Romney; the Mexi-Mormon challenger released a last-minute campaign espeech and animated music video which were very popular on POCHO but apparently didn’t help in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania.
POCHO’s ñews-breaking coverage included toons by Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz, election recaps and a look at what’s up next for the former first lady in waiting Ann Romney.
Cable TV star Don Cheto make a video Gangnam Style and a huge OVNI/UFO was filmed flying down into Mexico’s Popocatapetl volcano.
The links are here:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Bronco Bama reelected, @MexicanMitt Romney concedes
Obama victory means happy happy joy joy for some, others are meh
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The reelection of President Barack Obama is news around the world, too, so POCHO Ñews Service PNS sent reporters out on the street to gather reactions from colorfully-dressed pedestrians who consented to interviews and photos without compensation.
Here’s what they had to say:
Mas…Obama victory means happy happy joy joy for some, others are meh
@MexicanMitt Romney’s final concession espeech [complete text]
[EDITOR’S NOTE: @MexicanMitt Romney, the Twitter sensation, has graced us with the complete text of his concession speech upon losing to President Barack Obama. Enjoy this heart-wrenching espeech, gueyes.]
We didn’t win his home estate of Wisconsin. He couldn’t even get us the Munsters vote, ESMALL AS THAT IS.
IF ANYONE knows where he has been for the last three weeks, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
Mas…@MexicanMitt Romney’s final concession espeech [complete text]
Loser Mitt Romney has the sad: He’s unemployed and part of 47%
(PNS reporting from BOSTON) Mitt Romney woke up a broken man Wednesday morning and experienced something unimaginable: He had become part of the 47%.
“I never thought this would happen to me; my whole life has been turned upside-down,” he told PNS.
A moping Romney emerged from his down-quilted bed and silk sheets at about 7AM and wandered down to breakfast where his staff had prepared farm-raised, hand-fed chicken eggs with organic arugula imported from South America and water imported from France. And then he made the call he had been dreading — a call to his chauffeur, Carlos Peres.
Dejected Romney then began one of the hardest car rides in the back of a custom-made limousine of his life: to the nearest office of Massachusetts’ Department of Unemployment Assistance.
Mas…Loser Mitt Romney has the sad: He’s unemployed and part of 47%
Exclusive preview of Ann Romney’s Food Blog: The Electric Stove
(PNS reporting from BOSTON) With the election totally over, Ann Romney is free to pursue her true passion: cooking dinner every night for her large family and sharing Romney recipes.
Here’s exclusive preview of the Breakfast Club section of Ann’s upcoming food blog The Electric Stove:
White Toast
This is a very old family recipe dating back generations!
Little known fact: my Great Aunt Jebadisa was a leading pioneer in the Women’s Pre-Sliced White Bread Movement. When I think about the sacrifices she made, slicing each piece individually and toasting each slice by candle fire, I nearly break down and weep.
Mas…Exclusive preview of Ann Romney’s Food Blog: The Electric Stove
Pocho Ocho reasons Republicans think Romney was defeated
Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney lost big last night and the finger pointing has begun. Here are the GOP’s Pocho Ocho top excuses for the defeat:
8. Donald Trump bad hair day
7. Matlock marathon suppressed old white people vote
6. Cheap imported Chinese binders couldn’t hold the women required for victory
Mas…Pocho Ocho reasons Republicans think Romney was defeated
La Jolla cops on alert after dog shit bag trick at Romney beach house
(PNS reporting from LA JOLLA) Police in this pricey San Diego barrio are on alert after “an intruder or intruders” slipped onto the Romney family’s secluded beachfront property early this morning, left a flaming paper bag of what is believed to be dog shit on the front porch, rang the doorbell and fled into the fog.
The multi-million dollar home, located at 311 Dunemere Dr. has been the target of repeated protests.
Mas…La Jolla cops on alert after dog shit bag trick at Romney beach house
What exactly is on the mind of an ‘undecided voter’? (video)
He’s an undecided voter and his mind’s in a pickle about the big issues. We asked him why.
Ñewsweek: Halloween, Day of the Dead, Chavo del Ocho Style
Ghosts and skeletons and ghouls that go bump in the night?
It was a spooky ñewsweek at POCHO — the most popular entries on the site were not the newsiest.
Pochos liked this week’s entries about Halloween, Chavo del Ocho Gangnam Style, The Simpsons‘ Mr. Burns’ endorsement of Gov. Mitt Romney and Lalo Alcaraz’s Sandy toon.
Los links:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Halloween, Day of the Dead, Chavo del Ocho Style
Breaking: Montgomery Burns endorses Mitt Romney (video)
Prominent nuclear power advocate Montgomery Burns has endorsed Gov. Mitt Romney for president.
Romney campaign releases Halloween-themed music video
“Romney will lie to you to win the nomination. He will lie to you to get elected. He will lie to you as President” — Newt Gingrich
Loteria election cards with two of your favorite villains (toons)
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Artist Ingrid Cruz writes, “I’m working on a series of them. I hope to complete the other 52 before November 6.”
- RELATED: Voteria Cards by Lalo Alcaraz
Ñewsweek: Meet Princess Malinche, beat the Gap, Fidel’s not dead
Sofia the First, Disney’s new animated princess is a Latina, hooray! Wait, she’s not a Latina? Well, then who is Disney’s Latina princess? Princess Malinche, you say? Orale!
Another ñewsweek at POCHO meant princesses, the Gap’s taste in t-shirts, Mitt’s taste in short shorts, Fidel Castro is still not dead, Donald Trump is still a jerk and more.
The links:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Meet Princess Malinche, beat the Gap, Fidel’s not dead
Mitt Romney’s Cayman Islands hot tub house party (NSFW video)
Mitt is the MC with the moneh, byotch! (NSFW at all.)
Your Mitt Romney Spanish TV bronzer makeup tutorial (video)
It’s not easy being brown, as Mitt Romney’s Univision appearance demonstrated. Here’s the right way to get brown with la gente. Attention white people: This is a super idea for that special hot date not to mention Halloween!
Mas…Your Mitt Romney Spanish TV bronzer makeup tutorial (video)