A special MESSAGE TO YOU from Manic Hispanic:
Clean up your act, Chunti.
Un mensaje importante de Bernardo Sánchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican hermano. He’s Catholic. He’s Jewish. He’s a Cashjew. He’s NSFW.
And what would Bernie TV be without Larry David’s SNL sketch Bern Your Enthusiasm:
Mas…Bernardo Sanchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican bro, y Larry David (videos)
In the latest episode of Hey Vato!, Chuy gets a mysterious text message full of emojis from a potential ruca, and asks Smiley and his sister Angie explain what the symbols mean.
When we heard one of our favorite Hey Vato! episodes (The Tattoo) would be screening at the San Francisco Frozen Film Festival we knew it was time for a special Sabado Ponchonte Saturday Night Video Festival featuring EVERY episode of our favorite web series, in order, so here they are. Hey Vatos! Orale!
Mas…Complete ‘Hey Vato!’ NSFW existential angst of Chuy y Smiley (videos)