Claire from the Human Resources department (Cecily Strong) wants to make sure that SNL Weekend Update anchor Colin Jost knows what exactly constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace.
saturday night live
Black History Video: Eddie Murphy stars as Mr. White in ‘White Like Me’
In a Black History Month Especial Report, Eddie Murphy goes undercover to experience life as it’s lived by white Americans.
Mas…Black History Video: Eddie Murphy stars as Mr. White in ‘White Like Me’
Ordinary Americans explain why they back Donald Trump (SNL video)
Meet some ordinary Americans who want to tell you why they back Donald Trump’s quest for the GOP presidential nomination.
White Life: Eddie Murphy is Mr. White for Black History Month (video)
In a Black History Month Especial Report, Eddie Murphy goes undercover to experience life as it’s lived by White Americans.
Bernardo Sanchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican bro, y Larry David (videos)
Un mensaje importante de Bernardo Sánchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican hermano. He’s Catholic. He’s Jewish. He’s a Cashjew. He’s NSFW.
And what would Bernie TV be without Larry David’s SNL sketch Bern Your Enthusiasm:
Mas…Bernardo Sanchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican bro, y Larry David (videos)
Meteorologist Chris Farley: I’m El Niño and I’m coming (video)
Weatherman Chris Farley is El Niño and he’s coming your way. But what does “El Niño” even mean, though?
Have the most kick-butt Taco Tuesday ever at Taco Town! (video, recipe)
Before the churro dog, before the taco donut, before the taco inside a gordita, there was Taco Town, home of the most kick-butt Taco Tuesday ever!
Mas…Have the most kick-butt Taco Tuesday ever at Taco Town! (video, recipe)
Happy Black History Month: Eddie Murphy is ‘Mr. White’ (video)
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Happy Black History Month: Eddie Murphy is ‘Mr. White’ (video)
Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
Hey, Sasheer Zamata: Could you please act more ‘urban?’ (video)
New Saturday Night Live cast member Sasheer Zamata just wasn’t black enough at the audition. [Contains N-word, girl!]
Mas…Hey, Sasheer Zamata: Could you please act more ‘urban?’ (video)
Father Guido Sarducci: Afraid of poison, Pope Francis cooks own food
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Vatican Correspondent for the Vatican Enquirer Father Guido Sarducci called in on Special Assignment Friday afternoon to the Pocho Hour of Power radio show on KPFK.
Father Sarducci, who we all first met on Saturday Night Live, gave a behind-the-velvet-robe look into the recent Papal Conclave in Rome. Hear him dish on the plans for The Pope Emeritus and hear what Pope name Father Sarducci himself would have taken, if called to higher service.
Holy smoke signal, this is funny!
Justin Timberlake presents ‘The Concert for Hugo Chavez’ (video)
Venezuelans are still mourning Commandante El Presidente Hugo Chavez, who the CIA poisoned with cancer, but that doesn’t mean they can’t sing, according to Justin Timberlake.
- RELATED: ‘Jugo Chavez Energy Drink’ cancelled
Darlene Love: ‘Christmas for the Jews’
Rock ‘n’ roll diva Darlene Love explains: All the goyyim disappear to gather round the fire but out on the town, and in Chinese restaurants, it’s Christmas for the Jews!
Can you donate $5 or $10 so we can make more ñews y satire? |
Pocho History 101: ‘Abraham Lincoln’ by Louis CK (SNL video)
American History 101 – Pocho Style.
And after Apollo 11? ‘Neil Armstrong: The Ohio Years’ (video)
After small-town Middle American Neil Armstrong returned from the Moon, life never was the same, even during The Ohio Years.
SNL’s Amy Poehler champions the rights of domestic workers (video)
Funny former Saturday Night Live comedian Amy Poehler is down for Domestic Workers, and comes clean on something not many in the U.S. will admit:
She could not be the busy actress and mom that she is without her hard-working domestic help.
Poehler’s Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a call to action to petition to California Gov. Jerry Brown get him to sign the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights. Our moms and tias and abuelas have worked hard for years and deserve humane and equitable treatment afforded to others.
You can support the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights by calling your state senator and Gov. Brown (916-445-2841) today. To learn mas, please visit
Mas…SNL’s Amy Poehler champions the rights of domestic workers (video)
Dear Latinas: You are not allowed to make fun of yourselves
In the future, Latinas like Sofia Vergara won’t be able to make fun of themselves on TV shows like SNL because it would be politically incorrect. Oh wait — that’s happening now!
Here’s a Philadelphia blogger’s unfocused anti-Sofia rant we find perplexing:
Mas…Dear Latinas: You are not allowed to make fun of yourselves