science fiction
Electronic news delivery: Can it be done? (1934 toon)
Television Newspaper: Rather than: ‘Can it be done?’ we might ask: ‘When will it be done?’ Can it be Done? syndicated comic, Scoops magazine UK (1934/1935). Toon via Atomic Flash.
Cuidado driving that rocket bike in the desert or you’ll ‘Suffer’ (video)
In Suffer, from GastarBetter, repeats a valuable lesson: Keep your eyes on the road, especially if you are wearing a crazy sombrero and driving a rocket bike across the desert.
Welcome to 2040 and life on ‘The Other Side’ (video)
Exterior, day: Destitute desert town in the year 2040. Audio: Spanish newsradio tells the story — unemployment is 86%, gangs are everywhere and food and water are getting scarce.
There’s only one thing a father can do — smuggle his family across the border to the prosperous country on The Other Side.
Just 8% of SF/fantasy stars are pochos but Zoe Saldaña will save us
Almost no science fiction and fantasy movies feature protagonists of color — not to mention women of color — but thankfully we have Zoe Saldaña! Check out this study and awful infographic from Lee & Low Books:
Mas…Just 8% of SF/fantasy stars are pochos but Zoe Saldaña will save us
eBay ‘sniper’ outbids local man for ‘Chola Low Riders’ pulp magazine
(PNS reporting from PDX) Area collector Reynaldo “Ronnie” Morales’ heart was broken Sunday night when a last-minute auction bid from an eBay “sniper” pushed the coveted September 1953 issue of Amazing Future Tales out of his grasp and into the arms of another.
The sniper killed Morale’s chances with a $37.83 winning bid.
Mas…eBay ‘sniper’ outbids local man for ‘Chola Low Riders’ pulp magazine
Mayan Apocalypse 2012: Meet the word’s first burrito-making robot

Yes, we know the TacoCopter, the food-delivering unmanned aerial vehicle, was a gosh darn internet hoax, but this new Burritob0t with a web page and tech specs and photos filled with truthiness is the real thing. We swear!
So this guy at NYU made something special. Are you listening? Put down your phone. Listen. So they made a machine that prints… no, don’t check Twitter. They made a machine that prints burritos. It’s called Burritob0t. I know, right? Seriously. Slow down with the porn for a second. This is important.
Mas…Mayan Apocalypse 2012: Meet the word’s first burrito-making robot
Sabado Pochonte Video: Welcome to 2040 on ‘The Other Side’
Exterior, day: Destitute desert town in the year 2040. Audio: Spanish newsradio tells the story — unemployment is 86%, gangs are everywhere and food and water are getting scarce.
There’s only one thing a father can do — smuggle his family across the border to the prosperous country on The Other Side.