#SDCC2018 Comic-Con first! La Cucaracha transitions to anime (toon)
Mas…#SDCC2018 Comic-Con first! La Cucaracha transitions to anime (toon)
Everything old is new again, like Loteria cards for Millennials (toons)
Guatemalan artist Mike Alfaro is the creator of “Millennial Lotería” — updated Lotería cards for a “new generation.”
Mas…Everything old is new again, like Loteria cards for Millennials (toons)
It’s a classic of Mexican art — La Selfie (toon)
La Selfie is one of the newest additions to my contemporary codices series. The series asks: “If we were still creating codices like our ancestors what would they look like? What would our community look like?”
[More like this @]
Los Hollywood: Cassette mixtape + Polaroid selfies = ‘Cucu’ (video)
Los Hollywood — from San Diego and Tijuana — do the Time Warp again as they mashup the past (cassette tapes, Polaroid cameras) with modern pop and selfies in the new video Cucu. Los Hollywood es la visión artistica de una banda dinámica conformada por Heidy Flores (voz/bajo) [POCHO ❤️ HEIDY], Gustavo Mojica (batería), y Marcos Mondragon (guitarra). That’s actor Stephanie Miranda with the pink hair and the camera..
Mas…Los Hollywood: Cassette mixtape + Polaroid selfies = ‘Cucu’ (video)
POCHO fan emails a selfie: ‘My tat says proud POCHO!’ (photo)
POCHO’s newly-designated Kansas massage therapist Berny Damian Hernandez emailed us a selfie Thursday and wrote:
I had this tattoo done nine years ago; just decided to share. I’m glad somebody else is using this word proudly! ¡Orale!
Hey Vato! Chuy needs to go but Angie is all ‘Chola Selfie’ (video)
It’s time for old girlfriends, secret tears and family dynamics in the latest episode of Hey Vato!
When Chuy’s sister Angie hogs the bathroom taking selfies, Smiley interrupts the subsequent sibling discussion with insight from author, artist and poet e.e. cummings.
Mas…Hey Vato! Chuy needs to go but Angie is all ‘Chola Selfie’ (video)
Hey you! Put down that phone! aka 低头人生 [video]
Posted by 李金雄 on Sunday, April 19, 2015
The video is from China — the message is universal.
Frida Kahlo takes a selfie [photo?]
[Original image from a series by SAMSUNG.]
Hooray! She finally made it to New York City (NSFW selfie video)
She finally made it to New York City and you won’t believe what happened next.
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound, fury and selfies (video)
He’s Mr. Selfie. He lives in London and apparently sleeps alone. Does he resemble anyone you know?
Brazil’s Got Talent: Menina sings Alicia Keys’ ‘Girl On Fire’ (video)
The Alicia Keys hit Girl on Fire would be perfect for an online video selfie, this Brazilian menina (girl) thought. Her mom? Not so much.
New app DVRSE: Black friends in photos when you need them (video)
What do you do when a social media photo needs black friends and none of your many African-American amigos are around? There’s an app for that, new DVRSE. [NSFW F-bombs, etc.]
Will social media F*ckyer hashtag un-f*ck social media? (NSFW video)
That symbol we used to call the “number sign” or “pound sign” that they now call as “hash sign” — # — is ruining social media. All the cool kids have switched over to what we used to call the “percent sign” — % — to make social media a better place for you and me, especially me. Try the new % F*ckyer sign and find out yourself! [NSFW adult language.]
Shocking photos expose backstage at the Wonderful World of Disney
Pop surrealist José Rodolfo Loaiza Ontiveros goes behind the screens at the Magic Kingdom to reveal the real Disney, the Disney the Hollywood PR machine won’t let you see. His paintings are on display L.A.’s La Luz de Jesus Gallery until the end of the month. [Photos courtesy Hint Magazine.]
Mas…Shocking photos expose backstage at the Wonderful World of Disney
So did you hear about George Lopez at the Oscars? (toon)
Based on a Matt Groening toon Tweeted by The Simpsons. [Click on the image to enlarge.]
Mas…So did you hear about George Lopez at the Oscars? (toon)
Pocho Ocho most annoying selfies
Selfies are fun, but we all hate them anyway. It’s hard to understand, but we wanted to compile a list so we were all on the same page.
8. The “It’s that time of the month” selfie featuring sanitary napkins or tampons, either used or not, and/or a sad face.
7. The “I’m in the bathroom but I swear I didn’t just take a shit” selfie featuring a peace sign, your face, the bathroom mirror and the toilet you just used in the background.
6. The “Look I have friends, I swear” selfie with a group of people you never talk about or reference, but refer to as “besties,” “bros,” or “homies” every few months in the selfies you take together.
Geraldo Rivera Tweets selfie of his ‘foot’ (photo)
Trying acupuncture to reduce pain in foot killed by botched back surgery
— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) September 17, 2013
The award-winning TV newsman also shows a little leg.
Mirror, mirror on the wall: Who’s the baddest of them all? (photo)
Mirror, mirror on the wall — who’s the baddest of them all?
Pochos: Share your captions in the COMMENTS below:
@SaraChicaD: In Texas, Guadalupe photobombs you (Vine video)
“It’s very Catholic where I was in Texas,” Subcommandanta del Ñews Sara Inés Calderón emailed the POCHO Ñewsroom from an undisclosed location in the Lone Star State.
“Mess around and la Virgen gets all up in your grill!” she wrote.
Follow Calderón on Twitter where’s she’s @SaraChicad.
[With these Vine videos you need to click on the speaker icon in the top left corner to hear WTF is happening.]
Scary Naked Geraldo photo slashes ‘Walking While Black’ crime
(PNS reporting from FLORIDA) Neighborhood Watch volunteers across the nation’s gated communities are posting Twitter photos of Naked Geraldo to frighten off dangerous junk food-toting hoodie-wearing kids.
Award-winning journalist Geraldo Rivera, who proclaimed in his initial Tweet that “Seventy is the new Sexty,” snapped the nude photo of himself in the bathroom in order to fight the rampant scourge of black teen crime.
In the wake of the child-killer George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the homicide of Trayvon Martin, the support for crushing “Black On Sidewalk” crime has been boosted by law abiding citizens everywhere, and the Naked Geraldo photo has been a big help.
Mas…Scary Naked Geraldo photo slashes ‘Walking While Black’ crime