After the Pittsburgh tragedy, words don’t seem enough
I’ve never understood antisemitism.
As a Mexican-American man with little exposure to Jewish people up until college, that hate always seemed like one group of white people discriminating another group of white people for no good reason.
I never understood why if our country went to war against the Nazis in World War II, we would have Americans that would act like the enemy.
We are supposed to be the heroes, not the villains.
Maybe I grew up in a Latino and African-American neighborhood
Maybe I grew up in a mostly Latino and African American neighborhood because that was where my parents could pay rent.
Maybe they could only pay rent there because my parents immigrated into this country with only a bag of clothes. Maybe they worked 16 hrs a day 7 days a week in ranches cutting cabbage. Maybe they worked 2 or 3 jobs, and yet it was barely enough to get by.
Mas…Maybe I grew up in a Latino and African-American neighborhood
Minority gun owners start NGA group to challenge NRA supremacy
(PNS reporting from COMPTON) Minority gun owners tired of the “racist white agenda” of the National Rifle Association have launched the National Gun Association (NGA) to lobby for the rights of Latino and African-American gun owners.
NGA, straight out of the Los Angeles suburb of Compton, believes the NRA’s defense of mass shootings, which are mostly perpetrated by white male Christians, harms the real agenda of supporting gun ownership for personal and business self defense.
NGA president Cole Fotyfife, just back from President Bronco Bama’s inauguration (photo), said the campaign will focus on the message “Guns don’t kill people, crazy white people kill people.”
Mas…Minority gun owners start NGA group to challenge NRA supremacy
Newtown, Quentin Tarantino and the culture of death
Like many people, I’ve spent these past few days reflecting on what’s wrong. What the hell is going on? People are expressing so-called shock and awe at the recent violence in Connecticut but no one has any answers. Some would call it soul-searching, others grasping for straws. Others still are trying to squeeze as much blood from this stone as they can before it passes into obscurity, which it eventually will…
One thing that I know for sure is that the violence epidemic in the United States of America is not attributed to any one thing. We have been on this road for a long time now and anyone shocked by the fruit that the blood-soaked soil has produced has not been paying attention. Welcome to the culture of death.
Ñewsweek: Jenni Rivera RIP, Disneyland LOL, 12-14-12 :(
The tragic death of Long Beach homegirl Jenni Rivera and the school massacre in Newtown, MA inspired two editorial cartoons from POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz this week. And then there was the guy who emailed some Photoshop experts asking for helping removing the Mexicans from his snapshot of Disneyland.
These are the stories that broke the ñews this week on POCHO:
Anaheim police brutality protest t-shirt fundraiser
Paypal button simplified! Please write in what size Tshirt you want, ie: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
I created the above image as a response to the outrageous and murderous police brutality by the Anaheim Police Department recently against two young men in the Anaheim barrio. The families are not only dealing with protesting against the Anaheim PD and City Hall, but also the costs of funerals for these two men, arguably executed by the Anaheim PD.
Ñewsweek: Mea maxima culpa, Anaheim and RIP Lupe Ontiveros
Anaheim: The Tragic Kingdom (toon)
I drew this cartoon to accompany an article by Gustavo Arellano, Jefe-in-Chief of OC Weekly, about recent events in Anaheim
Ñewsweek: Lopez vs Arpaio, ‘Dark Knight’ toon and Comic-Con pics
It was the best of ñewsweeks, it was the worst of ñewsweeks. It was a week of wisdom, it was a week of foolishness.
- The Best: On HBO, George Lopez told Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio WTF he really thinks of him and the offended officer challenged the comic to a face-to-face discussion of the issues.
- The Worst: The Aurora shooting raised a bat signal for gun control.
We’ve got the uncensored Lopez/Arpaio videos, the Lalo Alcaraz ‘Dark Knight’ cartoon that went viral and Comic-Con photos you won’t see anywhere else.
But wait, there’s more!
Mas…Ñewsweek: Lopez vs Arpaio, ‘Dark Knight’ toon and Comic-Con pics
Dark Knight Colorado shooting cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz
Everyone is horrified about another mass shooting, this one in a movie theater in Aurora, CO at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. Gun violence in the U.S. is the highest in the world, and we need to do something about it. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the dozen murdered victims and the over 50 wounded. This editorial cartoon can also be seen at my syndicate website,
Hey Vato! Zombies in the hood — and Winston Churchill (NSFW video)
Smiley and Chuy scramble to protect themselves from zombies in this episode of Hey Vato! Sir Winston Churchill provides some valuable context, but can a kid’s chemistry kit keep the vatos safe? (NSFW language.)
Florida Burning: Will Trayvon’s ‘killer’ go to jail or get cop job?

(PNS reporting from LA FLORIDA) Local police have reluctantly transferred the investigation of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin at the White Knights gated community to the State Attorney’s Office.
The state will now determine if George Zimmerman, the Sanford-area neighborhood watch captain accused of killing Martin, will be charged with a crime or simply hired by the Sanford Police Department he wanted so much to join.
According to Sanford police, Zimmerman, a white male and captain of the W.K.N.W., (White Knights Neighborhood Watch,) admitted that he shot and killed Martin because “he looked black.” Due to local racist tradition, police say that’s usually a justifiable homicide in Florida “especially in white gated communities.”
Mas…Florida Burning: Will Trayvon’s ‘killer’ go to jail or get cop job?
Year after shooting, modest Giffords aide still says he is not a hero
Daniel Hernandez Jr., the Congressional intern who saved Rep. Gabby Gifford’s life on Jan. 8 last year, still declines to call himself a hero.
A mentally-ill man fired on Giffords and her constituents, killing six people and and wounding 13, including the popular liberal Democratic representative.
Only on the job five days, Hernandez, a student intern who had accompanied the congressmember to the Tucson shopping center for a voter registration event, rushed to her side when he heard gunshots and held her bleeding head and comforted her until paramedics took over her care.
In a TV interview, Hernandez still declines the “hero” label. Presidential candidate wannabe AK Half-Governor Sarah Palin was also singled out for scrutiny at the time because of an ad on her website that put gunsite cross hairs on Gifford’s congressional district.
Hernandez was just elected to the Tucson school board.
Palin has never been elected to anything since.