Mas…La Cucaracha: Dear ClipClop – How can we miss you if you won’t go away?
smart phone
Moby’s existential angst: Are you lost in the world like me? (video)
Animator Steve Cutts rocks the Max Fleischer-inspired 1930s-looking visuals as Moby & The Void Pacific Choir sing a song of existential angst, Are you lost in the world like me? Can you relate?
Watch: We found the perfect phone for filming police brutality
Planning to video some police brutality? Do you need extra battery life because the popo are out of control? Police badge number recognition? Instant posting to Facebook? Jerrod Carmichael has the perfect phone for you!
ThingStarter Presents: The iNotRacist app (video)
Can a smartphone app eliminate racism? That’s what ThingStarter wants to know. ThingStarter is a startup that develops products and takes them into the real world to get real feedback from real people. Today’s focus group considers iNotRacist — the app that checks your privilege.
ZUBI to the rescue if you hate Mexicans and that taco emoji (video)
Advertising agency ZUBI (in Florida, of course) steps up for the minority of “Latinos” and “Hispanics” who aren’t Mexican — and people who hate tacos. Because “Latino emotions,” tu sabes, are different and require special emoji.
Mas…ZUBI to the rescue if you hate Mexicans and that taco emoji (video)
Narco corridos are so over! El Chapo has a narco juego (video)
Was it inevitable? Nevertheless, here it is: El Chapo Fat ‘n’ Furious, a new smartphone video game.
We’ll let the creators tell the story:
In a 16-bits graphic vintage style, which perfectly syncs to the shifted-tone gameplay, the player finds himself in the shoes of El Chapo on the day of his escape. As he gets on his bike the mad rush begins!
Mas…Narco corridos are so over! El Chapo has a narco juego (video)
Where to get tacos? In Mexico, there’s an app for that (video)
Don’t spent another Taco Tuesday lost in Mexico, dazed and confused about where to grab a bite. Taco Guru has an app for that.
Google’s ‘Translate’ is magic! «Перевести» = магия! (video)
You won’t believe your eyes!
Coming Soon: Attack of the 14-Year-Old Black Girl!
Coming soon from McKinney, Texas Police Productions, it’s the next summer horror science fiction cop flick, Attack of the 14-Year-Old Black Girl!
A frightening teen girl in a bikini terrorizes the police force of a small Texas suburb, making them respond with excessive force and brutality reserved only for the worst of America’s swimming thugs!
Who will protect our nation’s pool parties from this monster? Rated R for Racist!
Featuring Emma Stone as the Asian Neighbor.
There’s a poop for that! DEUCE schedules your sh!ts (video)
The new DEUCE app is #1 when it comes to scheduling your #2s.
Mas…There’s a poop for that! DEUCE schedules your sh!ts (video)
When life is a video game, love is your secret weapon (video)
In the Great Video Game of Life, a little love from (plus tortillas, cumbia y nopales) can help you escape the zombies and crush the bullies. A true story from Los Cenzontles.
Mas…When life is a video game, love is your secret weapon (video)
App For That: If you’re happy and you know it, wag your tail (video)
Japanese company Neurowear wants to make it easy to share your joy with SHIPPO, the world’s first feelings-controlled tail. It’s like a big-ass Mood Ring for your butt.
Mas…App For That: If you’re happy and you know it, wag your tail (video)
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound, fury and selfies (video)
He’s Mr. Selfie. He lives in London and apparently sleeps alone. Does he resemble anyone you know?
Try the College de Frijoles app: It’s college on your phone! (video)
It’s college! On your phone! Only $199!
Mas…Try the College de Frijoles app: It’s college on your phone! (video)