social media
It’s a classic of Mexican art — La Selfie (toon)
La Selfie is one of the newest additions to my contemporary codices series. The series asks: “If we were still creating codices like our ancestors what would they look like? What would our community look like?”
[More like this @]
Cambalache’s new video: Son jarocho in another dimension
East Los Homies Cambalache takes the traditional son jarocho sound, adds futuristic costumes and settings for the stunning new video Butaquito Lindo.
What’s it all about? The YouTube page explains:
Mas…Cambalache’s new video: Son jarocho in another dimension
City calm after white male terrorist Pokémon Go ban (video)
(PNS reporting from SANTA CHANCLA, CA) Streets were quiet here overnight as the city’s emergency ban on Pokémon Go went into effect at midnight.
Santa Chancla is the first city in California to ban Pokémon Go players within city limits, a ban authorized in response to widespread threats by white male terrorists.
“Every time you turn around some crazy young white guy is murdering someone — and these kids are running around in groups together? I don’t think so. Not in my town,” Mayor Juan Lopez told a press conference at City Hall this morning.
Mas…City calm after white male terrorist Pokémon Go ban (video)
Good Friday particularly disappointing for ambitious Facebook post
(PNS reporting from RANCHO CUCAMONGA) The clock is ticking for Pope Franciss’ Facebook post, which is 50 AMEN comments short of its 10k goal and the promised resurrection and triumphant return of Jesus Christ.
The photo posted by the FB account using the Pontiff’s image has garnered thousands of “likes” and “shares” but was shy of the required AMENs as Easter loomed.
“I didn’t expect the post to take off like it did,” said Annette Benson, 54, a retired San Bernardino County clerk who runs the account from her home here. “I guess it just shows how much America is in need of a prayer right now. Jesus is what will make America great again. Let me hear you say AMEN!”
Mas…Good Friday particularly disappointing for ambitious Facebook post
In Paris, it’s #1PHOTOPOUR1TACO @ the Old El Paso taco truck (videos)
The French arm of Old El Paso, the Tex-Mex style food people, asked ad agency Rosbeef! to generate buzz for their new premium Restaurante brand around late Paris last year.
Rosbeef! (Slogan: We’re creative and we have common sense; how cool is that!?) came up with a marketing combo plate of an Old El Paso Restaurante taco truck, taco selfies and the hashtag #1PHOTOPOUR1TACO. Share a photo with the hashtag, they said, and get a free taco made with El Paso stuff and a digital coupon to buy El Paso products at the market. ¡Que rico! Ooh la la tambien aussi!
Here’s the “case study” video:
Mas…In Paris, it’s #1PHOTOPOUR1TACO @ the Old El Paso taco truck (videos)
Where to get tacos? In Mexico, there’s an app for that (video)
Don’t spent another Taco Tuesday lost in Mexico, dazed and confused about where to grab a bite. Taco Guru has an app for that.
Abuela with iPad terrorizes area family via Facebook
(PNS reporting from CHICAGO) Rigoberto “Rigo” Chavez, 15, cringed in horror when he logged into Facebook Thursday morning and received a notification that his abuelita had once again commented on his status.
The high school junior had posted a status that read “$waaaag$” and Abuelita replied in ALL CAPS:
Meet @BurritoPatents, the burrito-oriented bot with a Twitter account
Meet @BurritoPatents (aka Burrito Inventions), a bot by @JoeMFox, which reports hourly on developments on the cutting edge of burrito-related patents.
This is why Al Gore invented the Internets.
Mas…Meet @BurritoPatents, the burrito-oriented bot with a Twitter account
The first fitness facility just for Millennials: @#TheGym (video)
Millennials — this means you! Whether you need a fitness regime for your swiping fingers, interval training for Instagram, improved low-impact Twitter technique or advanced aerobic Facebook, you need to be @ #TheGym. Ask about February special prices for Mega-Gigabyte Torrent Training™, Skiing with Skype™, and Building Better Abs with Bitcoin™.
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound, fury and selfies (video)
He’s Mr. Selfie. He lives in London and apparently sleeps alone. Does he resemble anyone you know?