In the unlikely event of a Time Warp (again), Keep Calm and Habla Spanish. Available now at ThePochoStore on CafePress.
And now, Let’s Do the Time Warp Again — en Español:
Mas…In the Event of a Time Warp (Again), Keep Calm and Habla Spanglish
In the unlikely event of a Time Warp (again), Keep Calm and Habla Spanish. Available now at ThePochoStore on CafePress.
And now, Let’s Do the Time Warp Again — en Español:
Mas…In the Event of a Time Warp (Again), Keep Calm and Habla Spanglish
Fans stuck POCHO stickers on Europe’s walls and windows this summer — in Istanbul,Turkey (above) and Ventimiglia, Italy and both Cannes and Paris, France — and by an amazing coincidence our amigo Giovanni Solis was there to take these photographs. ¡Viva Euro-Pochismo!
Here’s the gallery: