Hey! You’re lookin’ for tacos in all the wrong places (photos)
As POCHO amigo Gustavo Arellano pointed out in his book Taco USA, America loves tacos.
How much does America love tacos, you ask? Taco imagery is everywhere — jewelry (necklace, above), toys, drinks, desserts, babies, kitties, doggies, purses, rear-view mirrors. And how could we make a listicle without the pink taco? [The pink taco final photograph may be NSFW depending on your work. We don’t think it is, but you never know, tu sabes?]
Mas…Hey! You’re lookin’ for tacos in all the wrong places (photos)
Watch: ‘Dragons Love Tacos’ (Doh! Well of course they do!)
Seriously. Dragons Love Tacos. They love chicken tacos, beef tacos, great big tacos, and teeny tiny tacos. We wanted to make sure you knew, if you didn’t already.
Here’s the bestseller read by Daniel Perrine from the band All My Sins Remembered:
Mas…Watch: ‘Dragons Love Tacos’ (Doh! Well of course they do!)
Authentic tacos in Seoul, South Korea – and Nutella nachos (video)
Sweet and Tasty TV’s Professor Oh checks out the Mexican food at Vatos Urban Tacos in Seoul, South Korea. It’s puro L.A. fusion style – Korean kalbi beef tacos a la Kogi, pork carnitas and Baja-style fish tacos. Fresh guacamole and cool Coronas, too. Not to mention Nutella nachos.
Mas…Authentic tacos in Seoul, South Korea – and Nutella nachos (video)
Food Network picks best tacos in each state — do you agree?
The Food Network’s magazine picked the best taco in each of America’s 50 states, plus one for the District of Columbia.
Do you agree with the choices near you?
To start out, here are their picks for California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, New York and Florida:
Mas…Food Network picks best tacos in each state — do you agree?
Sometimes you feel a little … Mexican @ Chi-Chi’s (video)
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you feel a little Mexican. Am I right, people? ¡Orale! Let’s hear it out there! Give it up for the Mexicans! You, Pedro wearing the Pendleton, put down the filero before you applaud. OK. No offense, ese. Just sayin’.
Everybody feels Mexican in this this goofy 1987 commercial from the “casual dining” chain Chi-Chi’s — including the popo!
The outfit closed in this country in ten years ago but will forever be remembered for the invention of the word “salsification.”
Mas…Sometimes you feel a little … Mexican @ Chi-Chi’s (video)
Gustavo Arellano tells radio about all about tacos (video)
Sonali Kolhatkar of Uprising Radio asks Gustavo Arellano about his book Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America and Gus is full of answers.
Mas…Gustavo Arellano tells radio about all about tacos (video)
One (Delicious) Minute in Mexico [video]
The Perennial Plate ate some good food in Mexico and refried it into a beautiful and tempting one-minute video, One Minute in Mexico. The music is Por El Suelo by Olmeca.
From Texas: ‘Give me six tacos or I’ll kill you with a sword!’
A 28-year-old San Antonio, TX man is the can after threatening a waitress with a sword in an attempt to scare her into giving up a half dozen tacos, which Wikipedia describes as “a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling.”
“Mr. [Adam] Kramer was yelling that he wanted his free tacos or somebody was going to die,” authorities said in an affadavit for his arrest, according to Raw Story. Kramer is being held in Bexar County Jail on $50,000 bail.
Mas…From Texas: ‘Give me six tacos or I’ll kill you with a sword!’
Visionary behind Doritos Locos Tacos dies at 41 (photos + video)
Todd Mills, who came up with the idea for Doritos Locos Tacos, lost his battle with cancer on Thanksgiving. The Little Rock, Arkansas father of two was 41 (photo, above.)
Mills started the Facebook page “Taco Shells from Doritos Movement” in 2009, encouraging followers to “tell Frito-Lay that we demand nacho cheesy taco shells!”
On the page, Mills posted photoshopped images of well known figures including Albert Einstein with a cheesy taco shell in a thought bubble, Steve Jobs holding a Macbook with a cheesy taco shell on the screen and Chuck Norris doing a karate kick while holding a cheesy taco shell….
Mas…Visionary behind Doritos Locos Tacos dies at 41 (photos + video)
It’s National Taco Day! Eat ’em if you got ’em
According to either the National Taco Industry Council, or some drunk person who also just made this up, today is National Taco Day in the United Estates.
And it says so, on to the online hub of this holiday, NationalTacoDay.com:
In 2012, Americans ate 4.5 billion tacos!
That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back or, if you prefer, could, at 775-million pounds, equal the weight of two Empire State Buildings.
Damn, that just makes me feel fat. Also on their site, they state oddly that:
How does your state rate in the Mexican restaurant wars?
It’s no secret that Americans love Mexican food — Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano’s book Taco USA celebrated that aspect of the Reconquista last year.
But not all of the United Estates is created equal, and in some areas of the country there is a shocking Mexican restaurant shortage!
There are more Mexican restaurants than Italian bistros, Chinese kitchens, chicken rotisseries, or seafood shacks in the US. We’re talking about no less than 38,000 Mexican restaurants dispersed all across the American landscape (as of 2011).
Mas…How does your state rate in the Mexican restaurant wars?
Street tacos in Mexico City — guisado for pinches borrachos (video)
Polanco, they say, is the Beverly Hills of Mexico DF, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t illegal taco carts on the street. They serve trendy tacos de guisados to area workers during the day, Daniel Hernandez reports, and to partying pinches borrachos at night.
Taco Bell introduces new Artisanal Soft-Shell Tacos (photo)
Taco Bell’s latest offering — Artisanal Soft-Shell Tacos — became available in several test markets across America today. The proprietary softening process uses only natural organic softeners (shown here being applied by a Taco Bell artisan chef) to turn crispy Cool Ranch Doritos taco shells into something foldable, stuffable and, ultimately, eatable. Try some today!
Lion meat tacos in Tampa, FL only $35 each! (video)
If you’re hungry in Tampa, FL — and we mean really hungry, king of the jungle hungry — stop by Taco Fusion for lion meat tacos. And camel. And ostrich…
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Food Network goes ‘Mexican’ for Cinco de Mayo
Oh. Hi. Is Tia Lencha here. Don’t talk loud. My cabeza hurts.
Tia Lencha went to a restaurante with mariachis and micheladas and little mini tacos jesterday. She had more micheladas than tacos, and gwell. Is not her fault. The tacos were spensive and the size for the dolls to eat.
So she stay at home putting ice on her cabeza, drinking the water and seeing the Food Network on the TV. And ju know what? They try to be Mexican for Cinco de Mayo.
The first thing I notice is the Cacique cheese commercial a million times. Not estrange except that the voice of an Americano says to go “awtenteeco” like they are translating for all the gringos. Then what’s his name (Aaron Sancho?) from the eshow Chopped appear and shows food and then says all the words in espanish right.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: Food Network goes ‘Mexican’ for Cinco de Mayo
Al Madrigal: Aliens vs Senators – The Path to Presidentship (video)
The Daily Show’s Senior Latino Correspondent Al Madrigal explains to Jon Stewart the tough but fair conditions Latinos will impose on Republicans hoping to one day win back the White House. [Disclosure: Al Madrigal is also POCHO’s Migrant Editor.]
Mexicans falling to Earth from space? Not to worry, scientists say
(PNS reporting from OUTER ESPACE) Let that long-held breath out, folks. The Alpha Mexnetic Spectrometer has picked up a lot of mysterious antimatter in low Earth orbit recently – but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a sign of falling Mexi-matter, AKA “Space Mexicans” falling to Earth, according to NASA.
In fact, even with the 400,000 pocho-particles picked up by the cosmic ray experiment – the largest number of such particles ever analyzed in outer espace — it’s unclear whether those pocho-particles result from decaying Mexicans left over from building the International Space Station, or simply from Mexicans shot into space from various border patrol agencies over the year.
The ambitious $1.6-billion Alpha Mexnetic Spectrometer is roughly 10 times more sensitive to Meximatter than its predecessors. The detector, which was ferried on the Space Shuttle Endeavour (also built by Mexicans) to the International Space Station in 2011, has picked up billions of pocho-particles since then.
Mas…Mexicans falling to Earth from space? Not to worry, scientists say
Sad? Depressed? It’s time to ‘Ask Your Doctor About Tacos’ (video)
Tacos: the only antidepressant specifically formulated to be freaking delicious!
Comic Luke Torres loves La Gente: ‘Mexicans 101’ (video)
Stand-up comedian Luke Torres loves his family and his gente. Does his family seem like yours?
Jesus Christos and His 12 Apostle-Luchadores: ‘The Last Fiesta’ (toons)
Jesus drinks Corona, of course, and tacos, taquitos and burritos are on the menu in this painting of the Last Fiesta by Pale Horse, a fine art illustrator. Who is that drinking Tecate?
Pale Horse writes:
The Last Fiesta’ is my 12-skateboard deck shout-out to Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’ with Jesus Christos and his 12 Luchador apostles getting down one last time. This piece was created for my solo exhibit Saints & Sinners, here at the Pale Horse Studio. Hand-made shadow box by Casey Paquet.
Mas…Jesus Christos and His 12 Apostle-Luchadores: ‘The Last Fiesta’ (toons)