POCHO History 101: Lalo Guerrero’s ‘Ballad of Pancho Lopez’ (video)
A true life story from the Mexican Revolution and a mojado’s migration from Chihuahua to Califas come alive as our Chicano musical hero Lalo Guerrero shares The Ballad of Pancho Lopez.
Mas…POCHO History 101: Lalo Guerrero’s ‘Ballad of Pancho Lopez’ (video)
Pasadena’s El Taquito Mexicano taco truck: Food and community (video)
Video creator Kyle Scobie loves the El Taquito Mexicano taco truck that’s been parking on Lake Avenue in Pasadena for years. And Scobie is not the only one!
Fast-talking narrator makes tacos de pollo rapido (video)
Chicken tacos are deliciosa comida rapida y facil de hacer en casa, says Gorka Barredo, the fastest-talking Castillian Spanish narrator ever.
Campout cooking: Korean carnitas tacos con kimchi (video)
Looks legit — Korean-style carnitas tacos con kimchi. All I ever got on camping trips was mosquito bites and poison ivy.
Make ‘pineapple and pork’ tacos the New Zealand way (video)
Mexican-style food products maker Tio Pablo, in New Zealand, shows us how to make “pork and pineapple tacos” using their Mayan Gold chile powder and mango salsa picante. PRO TIP: “Coriander” = cilantro.
And that’s how they make tacos in Tijuana, Baja California (video)
If this short video featuring the preparation of tortillas and tacos in TJ doesn’t make you hungry, ask your doctor if having Don Jr. jerk your email chain is right for you.
Preparing tacos de lengua: First, get yourself some veal tongue… (video)
Preparing tacos de lengua (veal tongue) is easy if you have hundreds of dollars of state-of-the-art cooking equipment from Sammic. Still, it’s weird to look at and be sure you peel off the icky “outer membrane”. Also, we notice a distinct lack of chiles, cilantro and lime. And what is up with those mini tortillas?
Israeli app helps you choose: Sketchy tacos, pad Thai, or pizza? (video)
The Israeli smartphone app 10BIS (Give Me a Bite תן ביס) makes it easy to order food and pay online. Do you want the sketchy Bollywood gold chain tacos, pad Thai, or pizza? ¡Orale, guey!
The ‘Salsa Shop’ Mexi food chain in Amsterdam is hiring (video)
The Mexican food chain Salsa Shop, with locations around Amsterdam, is looking for a few good employees and managers. Sweet video, and the food looks legit. Nice t-shirts, too.
Worth it or not? Two tacos for $9 at Dodger Stadium (video)
When you root root root for Los Doyers, it’s better with the tacos, right? But are the tacos at Dodger Stadium in Chavez Ravine worth nine bucks for two? Jose Contreras — @LosPonies on the Twitter — reports.
No ‘taco trucks on every corner’? We’ve got a Taco Truck Playhouse!
We could have elected Hillary and ended up with the dread TACO TRUCKS ON EVERY CORNER, but no. Resist and teach your children well with this adorable carboard Taco Truck Playhouse, just $69 right here.
Now we’re sad. We made this Taco Trucks Anthem and what did it get us? Nada!
Mas…No ‘taco trucks on every corner’? We’ve got a Taco Truck Playhouse!
Blueberry mota molé chicken tacos and kale carrot salad (video)
In this episode of Cooking With the Giggles, our munchified host Jim Jensen aka Mr. Giggles shows how molé can be medicine. SPOILER: Mota-infused butter.
Mas…Blueberry mota molé chicken tacos and kale carrot salad (video)
TV chef Chris Oh doesn’t like NYC tacos except for chapulines (video)
Bravo celeb chef Chris Oh brings his L.A. taco-loving Asian chef tastebuds to a table of (anonymous) New York tacos looking for that Los Angeles sabor. Those chapulines (grasshoppers), though!
The Food Network says ‘taco cones’ are the ‘new tacos’ (video)
Opinions are like culos; everybody has one. The Food Network is of the opinion that “taco cones” are the “new tacos,” for example, and Christopher Columbus thought he “discovered” a “new world.” Trump thinks he has the best “taco bowls.” Not so fast, you bad hombres! If you circumcise the tips of the cones, what is gonna keep all the juices inside? #fncravings, huh?
Pittsburgh’s Las Palmas taqueria looks muy rico in Russian (video)
A Russian voiceover lauds the tacos at Las Palmas in Pittsburgh, PA, which seems to be pretty legit, at least on Yelp. Why is the narration in Russian? Get used to it, covfefe!
How to make ‘Mexican Chicken’ (Welsh recipe video)
As we consider the ramifications of the United Kingdom’s election yesterday, let us not lose sight of the fact that the U.K. is comprised of three separate entities — England, Scotland, and Wales. In Wales, they speak and write Welsh, with all those long words and weird consonants, and also make taco casseroles.
This video from the Taco Gurú folks is a love letter to tacos
This video is a love letter to tacos from the folks behind the Mexican Taco Gurú app.
Mas…This video from the Taco Gurú folks is a love letter to tacos
Soup_or_Sara: ‘I stitched my favorite conversation starter’ (photo)
Reddit user soup_or_sara has the right idea!
Tacos are for everyone – paisas, gueros, y morenos tambien (video)
The tacos at Taqueria El Califa in Mexico City are for everyone – paisas, gueros y morenos tambien. All together now: WORLD PEACE AND TACO GREASE!
These are tacos al pastor, en estilo Boricua (video)
Check out the tacos al pastor at Uikú de Boriken, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico (Boricua).
Looks legit! Tacos al pastor in Copenhagen, Denmark (video)
When you’re serving up tacos al pastor in the meat packing district (Kødbye) of old town Copenhagen, Denmark, they’ve got to be delicioso, amiright? These look legit. Also that word “Kødbye” means brown, so it’s all good. [Video by Gabriel Miranda.]
Mas…Looks legit! Tacos al pastor in Copenhagen, Denmark (video)
Will babosos pay $25K to eat gold-flecked tacos in Cabo? (video)
RUPTLY, the Russian fake news and propaganda video channel, features endless news clips about how everything that’s not Russia is going to Hell in a hoopty.
This new video introduces a publicity-savvy chef who seeks to entice rich assholes into paying $25,000 for gold-leaf-garnished tacos (Kobe beef, lobster, Beluga caviar, foie gras, extra pretension included, guacamole extra charge) in Cabo San Lucas.
It looks like two folks chowed down on the admittedly beautiful tacos for the cameras, but were they ringers or customers? If you spend $25,000 staying the Presidential Suite, the tacos are free, so that’s something.
RUPTLY explains and translates:
Mas…Will babosos pay $25K to eat gold-flecked tacos in Cabo? (video)
WHOA! IF TRUE! How to pronounce ‘taco’ (shocking video)
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON) Top officials in the Intelligence Community have confirmed to PNS that the shocking video just released by the whistleblowers at HowToProunce.org — How to Pronounce “Taco” — is totally legit and is only the first of many shockers to come. Check back here for further developments as we follow up on this breaking story.