Mas…La Cucaracha: Noisy new neighbors make tamales lose chill
WATCH: Mexicans + African-Americans + Gabachos: Mississipi ❤️ ‘hot tamales’
First, Mexicans from just over the border brought tamales to the fertile Mississippi Delta. African-Americans soon realized the Mexicans had a good thing going in these little, corn-husk-wrapped magical meat pies.
And, sure enough, area whites realized the masa miracles weren’t just for people of color anymore. And that’s why Mississippi loves tamales.
Yes, we know proper Spanish means it is one tamal, two tamales. But we’re not proper Spanish speakers or proper anything, actually.
LISTEN: All you want for Christmas: ‘Buñuelos a monton’
É Arenas, bass player for Chicano Batman, cooks up some cumbia for Christmas in this new song
Buñuelos a Monton, and he includes all your favorite fiesta Mexmas specialties:
Come mija hay mucho mas
Porque cocinamos muy tradicional
Tamales de elote, de puerco,
De queso, champurrado
Barbacoa y jamon
Con su salsa verde y arroz
Tambien menudo con pata,
Librillo y su tendon
Y buñuelos a monton
This image of a ‘Tamalada’ is in the Smithsonian collection (toon)
Tamalada, a lithograph by Chicana artist Carmen Lomas Garza, is in the collection of the Smithsonian. Looks sorta like your family, right, primo?
A two-year old’s Chicano Christmas
You’re not going to believe this,
but I was born sitting at the kitchen
table with a tamale already in hand.
Of course, some say, that I was born
on a pool table, but that’s another
I still remember the hogs head
simmering in a pot as my uncle
Louie and his buddies sat listening
respectfully as my grandfather
spoke about times gone by.
POCHO’s @SaraChicaD says ‘Happy Mexican Sansgiven!’ (video)
POCHO’s Subcommandanta del Ñews, Sara Inés Calderón, shares everything you need to know about Sansgiven, the Mexican Thanksgiving. She’s @SaraChicaD on the Twitter.
First Person True Story: My Holiday at the Laundromat
Turkey, ham, tamales, eggnog y todo, this is the time of the year where you put a lot of stuff “on hold” till next year, while we get together with familia and friends. It’s a beautiful time of the year, where putting something on the back burner for awhile isn’t such a bad idea.
Some things, however, can’t be procrastinated upon, lest other problems be incurred. Keeping oneself in clean clothes is one of them.
This may be the prettiest tamales video ever
Evenuelto en Hojas in Quintana Roo specializes in tamales made with amor, and atole. How can you go wrong? [Video by Mariana de la Rosa.]
Area man happy to share new Spanish tips with co-workers
(PNS reporting from HUNTINGTON BEACH) Area sales manager Rick Miller is happy to share his new-found Spanish vocabulary with co-workers, buds from the office disclosed Tuesday.
Miller (photo), who explained that he went to a barbecue Sunday over at his new Mexican-American neighbors’ house, informed early arrivals at yesterday’s quarterly sales meeting that a limon is actually what we call a lime in English, and lemons are limas in Spanish.
Mas…Area man happy to share new Spanish tips with co-workers