Is your Tio like this or only at SARAPE’s GRILL? (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL. Let’s take a look as Tio Sarape reveals his latest plans….
GMC’s Terrain is a baby SUV with teenaged style and big boy verve
Photo Courtesy GMC
A couple of years ago, the wifey and I were just outside Albany, Kentucky (pronounced “Al-BANE-EE” down there), when my dad’s 2005 GMC Yukon told me something it had never shared before.
“LOW TIRE PRESSURE” a sensor on the dashboard screamed once I went to turn on the ignition, a sensor I didn’t even know existed.
I went outside to see whether the Yukon’s rudimentary (nowadays) computer was going loco, but dagnabbit, it was true. There was a big nail in the left tire.
We had to drive about 20 miles to the nearest tire shop, where a good ol’ boy patched the hole for $5. “Those GMCs know more than God sometimes,” he said. “Great SUVs.”
Mas…GMC’s Terrain is a baby SUV with teenaged style and big boy verve
You never know what will happen next at SARAPE’s GRILL! (toons)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez has started up a new cartoon series set at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Mas…You never know what will happen next at SARAPE’s GRILL! (toons)
Gentrification Notes from Technotopia, SF: On the Cruelty of Indifference
Dear Ex-local artist, writer, activist, bohemian, street eccentric, and/or protector of difference…
Imagine a city, your city and your former “hip” neighborhood, being handed over by greedy politicians and re/developers to the crème de la crème of the tech industry. This includes the 7 most powerful tech companies in the world. I don’t need to list them: their names have become verbs in lingua franca; their sandbox is the city you used to call your own.
Mas…Gentrification Notes from Technotopia, SF: On the Cruelty of Indifference
Scientists find cache of 25 Peruvian ‘quipus’ – Inca calculators
Scientists investigating the archaeological complex of Incahuasi, south of Lima, have uncovered 25 well-preserved quipus.
The 600-year-old strings are an example of the technology of the Inca civilization, which never developed a written language.
Quipu – also called “khi-pus” or “talking knots” – are made up of colored spun thread, and sometimes, llama or alpaca hair.
The ornately knotted strings are thought to have helped in record-keeping, when authorities wanted to monitor items such as taxes and population.
LatinoUSA w/ @SaraChicaD: Latinas in Tech, Live @ SXSW (audio)
It can be hard for Latinos to break into the field of tech, they often lack social capital and funding.
Tech writer Sara Inés Calderon (photo) and DIY Girls founder Luz Rivas join Latino USA host Maria Hinojosa for our live show in Austin to talk about these obstacles and why they believe being a Latino is actually an asset in the world of engineering and innovation.
Big sound for small bucks with new iMex iPhone dock (video)
Why pay big money to get the big sound your music deserves? The new iMex iPhone or iPod dock is easy to assemble, does not need weird Ikea wrenches, and is fabricated from recyclable and easily-replaceable components available wherever Mexicans are served. Also available for Android! Sorry, Redmondites — a Windows 8 version has encountered difficulty with integration of the Clippy function, but look for a Win version in 2014.
OK tablets are cool, but sometimes you just need paper (video)
Self-consciously cool French dudes sure love their iPads, but sometimes, as the mademoiselles know, one must squeeze Le Charmin, or Le Trefle, as they say in France. D’accord, Monsieur Whipple? Or do we have to mansplain it to you?
- RELATED: Yes, we have another video with a toilet scene: Don Cheto totally does it ‘Puro Gangnam Style’ (video)
PNS*Hot*Flash: Chinese hackers infected laptop, local man says
(PNS reporting from TRENTON) “Chinese hackers infected my laptop and filled it with pornography,” an area beer sales executive told company help desk personnel yesterday. “I had no idea they could do that!”
Mark Mendoza, chief marketing officer for Buckman Brothers Beverages, said his company-issued Lenovo ThinkPad T530, a 15.6” powerhouse equipped with high productivity features and leading wireless options that keep him powered and unplugged around the clock, started acting strangely after a trip to CraftBrewCon2013 in Tallahassee last week.
Mas…PNS*Hot*Flash: Chinese hackers infected laptop, local man says
Burrito robot[✓] Taco copter[✓] Next: Margaritas by Siri (video)
The kids are all right with their burrito-making bots and taco-delivering copters. All we need now is a way for Siri to phone in a margarita on the way home from work. ¡Mira!
Are Castro and Chavez planning KomradPad tablet and CheOS?

(PNS reporting from EL OTRO LADO) Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Cuba’s Fidel Castro are developing their own communist tablet computer, the KomradPad, and a custom commie operating system tentatively dubbed CheOS, according to industry sources.
Initial apps are said to include a Zynga-style game called Collective Farmville, a first-person shooter named Comrade In Arms: Road to a Workers’ Paradise and a socialist media app copied from Facebook called Secret Police Book, which, like FB, makes every status update, link and photo available to guardians of the State’s security.
Mas…Are Castro and Chavez planning KomradPad tablet and CheOS?