Racist tortilla-tossers at Coronado High School f_____d around and found out
- Huh? Coronado High School stripped of championship title following tortilla-throwing incident
Pocho Ocho Way Woke Pickup Lines for Valentine’s Day 2020
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx (Gustavo Arellano calls them “wokosos”) to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho Way Woke Pickup Lines you can use for Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Wednesday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho Way Woke Pickup Lines for Valentine’s Day 2020
Samantha Bee: Undocumented immigrants make your food (video)
Samantha Bee stops by the City of Brotherly Love’s South Philly Barbacoa and learns about the vital roles immigrants (undocumented and documented) play in making the food we eat.
When is a taco not a taco? What does the Icelandic chef say? (video)
This Seafood Taco in a Nordic Style LOOKS LIKE A TACO but except for the fish, there is not one ingredient you’d see in a taco in your neighborhood. The “tortilla” is made from rye flour, the “skyr sauce” is some kind of Icelandic yogurt, and the fennel and watercress are not your abuelita’s pico de gallo. All in all, it might be delish. But is it a taco? Discuss. [EDITOR’s NOTE: Canadians have craftily rebranded “rapeseed oil.” We North Americans call it “Canola” eh.]
Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2018
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho Top Activist Pickup Lines you can use for Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Wednesday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2018
Enjoy a breakfast burrito with Chef Choy Jung In (video)
Watch along as Chef Choy Jung In prepares a “morning burito” with paprika, onion, bacons, Tabasco®, eggs and pizza cheese. Whatever you call it, we’d gobble one right now. Thanks, Chef!
It All Makes Sense Now! Taxonomy of Mexican Food (toon)
¡Orale! With the help of this colorful infographic we now understand the taxonomy of Comida Mexicana. The tortilla is connected to the maiz bone, the chalupa is connected to the tortilla bone…
[Thanks to PICTOLINE on Facebook for the infographic.]
Latino USA: If You Give a Toddler a Tortilla (NPR audio)
She just wants to prepare some home made flour tortillas with her baby girl just like she did with her own mom. What’s the big deal?
April Salazar longs to make her Grandma Alice’s tortillas with her daughter. It is the same tortilla recipe her grandmother’s mother made in Baja California and later in Tucson, Arizona, after she fled the Mexican Revolution. There’s just one problem: she needs the stars to align… and the cooperation of her two-year-old daughter.
Mas…Latino USA: If You Give a Toddler a Tortilla (NPR audio)
Got tortillas? Avocados? Galaxy slime? Hydra steak? Let’s make burritos!
Mexican creator Evelyn Ramsburgh shows us how a green space alien makes burritos. Tortillas we have. Avocados ditto. The slime may be hard to source locally however.
San Diego devises 10-dimensional grid to evaluate burritos (video)
At a recent Ignite San Diego session — where you get 20 slides and five minutes — presenter Scott Cole described his systematic evaluation of the burritos of San Diego using ten dimensions of awesomeness.
And that’s how they make tacos in Tijuana, Baja California (video)
If this short video featuring the preparation of tortillas and tacos in TJ doesn’t make you hungry, ask your doctor if having Don Jr. jerk your email chain is right for you.
Party too much on Cinco de Mayo? This workout is for you! (video)
Feeling stuffed and disgustingly fat after Cinco de Mayo? All those tacos, chips, salsa, cerveza, y tequila add up! We recommend crunches. [Video by Adam Rozanski.]
Your basic bacon-wrapped breakfast burrito (‘food porn’ video)
The video’s creators call Bacon-Wrapped Breakfast Burrito “food porn”. Mmmm! Porn for breakfast! On the other hand, shouldn’t this be called a chimichanga?
From England: Chicken teriyaki tacos with pineapple salsa (video)
Looks pretty good, actually. A legit chicken teriyaki recipe, authentic pico de gallo/salsa made with grilled piña, and of course everything tastes better on a tortilla. We have three questions, though:
- Where did the rice come from?
- How can it be a “healthier” with a lettuce wrap instead of a tortilla? Corn tortillas are GLUTEN FREE, ENGLISH DUDE. Also, no tortilla, no taco.
- Wassup with the Christmas music soundtrack on a video uploaded March 27?
WATCH: From maiz to masa, from masa to your table (mesa)
From Milpa to Mesa highlights the process of transforming heirloom corn from tiny farms across Mexico into tortillas.
Helpful glossary from video creators The Perennial Plate:
Mas…WATCH: From maiz to masa, from masa to your table (mesa)
Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2017
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines you can use for Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Friday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day 2017
Houston: We have tacos! (‘Tacos en el espacio’) [video]
Houston: We’ve got tacos — in space!
Religious figures to Guadalupe: You’re a ‘miraculous appearance hog’
(PNS reporting from MEXICO CITY) Leading Catholic personalities gathered here this week to address a simmering controversy in the official Divine Advent & Manifestation Union (DAMU): members claim that La Virgen de Guadalupe (photo, center) is a publicity hog when it comes to miraculous appearances.
“Can’t the Son of God just miraculously appear on a slice of toast without someone copying me?” asked Jesus Christ (photo, right). “Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for faith and everything, but she goes out of her way to appear on everything! Am I right, people?”
Another virgin in attendance, rarely-seen La Virgen de San Juan (photo, left), said that although she’s “totally cool” with being a lesser-known virgin, she will never be able to grow her Twitter following or sell more CDs when Guadalupe is always “hogging the spotlight.”
“The union has rules for a reason, so everyone has a chance at appearing on tortillas or an oil stain,” San Juan told PNS. “I don’t expect to be number one — I mean, c’mon, we’re talking about the Mother of God here — but I do expect my fair share.”
Mas…Religious figures to Guadalupe: You’re a ‘miraculous appearance hog’
LatinoUSA: The mysterious origins of Navajo fry bread tacos (audio)
What is the deal on these so-called Navajo tacos, anyhow?
NPR’s Anne Hoffman and Maria Hinojosa of LatinoUSA are looking for answers:
Mas…LatinoUSA: The mysterious origins of Navajo fry bread tacos (audio)
TORTILLA TOWEL: You know you want it, you know you need it (video)
When getting wrapped up in a soft and fluffy, warm from the dryer tortilla is your ComidaCosPlay character, you know you want it, you know you need it, the Tortilla Towel! The only question is — corn or wheat?
McDonald’s plans Golden Arches for Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza

Company claims indigenous communities lived on maiz, tortillas and McRibs
(PNS reporting from CHICHEN ITZA) In a fresh effort by McDonald’s to prove that “tamales are a thing of the past,” the U.S. food chain has opened locations at famed Aztec and Mayan sites of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, with plans to expand to Guatemala’s Tikal and Peru’s Machu Picchu, according to a spokesperson.
Mas…McDonald’s plans Golden Arches for Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly makes a chicken taco – in space! (video)
It’s not easy, making a chicken taco while floating weightlessly in the International Space Station, but NASA astronaut Scott Kelly is determined.
Mas…NASA astronaut Scott Kelly makes a chicken taco – in space! (video)
POCHO is proud to present the very best burrito recipe video ever
Making a Burrito For One is a video by Sean Ye, who, as far as we know, is not related to Kan Ye.
Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air for Valentine’s Day, along with cries for immigration reform, equal economic opportunity and an end to pervasive systemic racism.
Is there a way for the politically active pocha or pocho, Chicano, Chicana, Chican@ and/or Latinx to get lucky AND make the world a better place?
Yes, there is, in our list of the Pocho Ocho top activist pickup lines you can use this Valentine’s Day:
8. What do we want? A quiet romantic dinner for two! When do we want it? Friday night — what do you think — 8-ish?
7. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a MEChA like this?
6. Is that a GMO-free organic sustainably-raised earth-friendly heirloom local family farm non-corporate elote in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top activists’ pickup lines for Valentine’s Day
Saddest song ever! Lalo Guerrero sings “There’s No Tortillas” (video)
The great Lalo Guerrero can hardly sing for all the weeping as he performs There’s No Tortillas. And who can blame him?
Here’s our favorite (non parody) Lalo Guerrero song — he calls it a “boogie woogie jitterbug”:
Mas…Saddest song ever! Lalo Guerrero sings “There’s No Tortillas” (video)