Traditional chile lime cricket tacos are good for Mother Earth (video)

Crickets are very efficient in turning dirt and air and water and other critters into big fat delicious grillos, much more efficient than cattle who drink water like it falls from the sky and fart like they’re not breathing the same damn air as ustedes and me. And grillos are traditional, indigenous, and delicious! Bay Area bug maven Monica Martinez of DON BUGITO explains.


Mas…Traditional chile lime cricket tacos are good for Mother Earth (video)

How to make Mexican tortillas|Cómo hacer tortillas mexicanas (video)

Este vídeo fue grabado en Chiapas, México. En él podemos ver la forma tradicional de hacer las tortillas, hechas por los mismos miembros de la comunidad de Petalcingo. Vuélvete un experto e impresiona a tus amigos. // This was recorded in Petalcingo, Chiapas, Mexico. We can see how native people of this community prepare traditional tortillas. Tortillas are typical in the Mexican gastronomy, so, if you want to become an expert and impress your friends, pay attention.

Pocho Ocho Top Old-School Abuelita-Style Remedios (cures)

Abuela knows best, amirite?

She recommends these old-fashioned remedios for whatever ails you:

8. Chile

Does it matter that you don’t eat chile? Or that this special hot sauce will burn a hole in your ulcer? No, eat it, you’ll see how much better you feel.

7. Nopal or linaza (cactus or flax seed)

If there’s something wrong with you, let’s flush it out. Sure, you will be spending the next week in the bathroom, but by the time you come out, whatever was ailing you will be long gone.

6. Rubbing an egg all over you while saying a prayer. (Una limpia con huevo)

Did your abuelita learn this ritual in church? Hell no, but for whatever reason, when she’s rubbing a cold egg all over you saying a Catholic prayer, it somehow makes you feel better. By the time that egg sucks up whatever evil eye someone gave you, the idea that this ritual is strange and old world will have slipped your mind.

Mas…Pocho Ocho Top Old-School Abuelita-Style Remedios (cures)