Manic Hispanic’s love song for the president: ‘Naranjo’ (NSFW video)
Hardcore SoCal homies Manic Hispanic reserved a special color for the president – orange – and a pet name – something about “pendejo” – in this brand new video. [NSFW in Spanglish.]
Mas…Manic Hispanic’s love song for the president: ‘Naranjo’ (NSFW video)
Don’t let the door hit you in the nalgas, Rex Tillerson! (toon)
Lest we forget: Just because Trump fired and insulted them … doesn’t mean they’re not still corrupt, money-grubbing assholes who were unqualified for their positions in the first place. Now that they’re out of the administration, they’ll just go back to sucking out the marrow of the everyman in the corporate world and making billions off of Trump policies.
The Mexican Standoff made a video about the border wall, ‘El Muro’ (video)
DREAMers from SoCal’s alt Mex music scene teamed up as The Mexican Standoff to record El Muro because they have feels about Trump’s wall. They never say his name, however.
On YouTube they explain:
Mas…The Mexican Standoff made a video about the border wall, ‘El Muro’ (video)
Trump: ‘But I AM hard on Russia!’ (toon)
Behind the scenes with @RealDonaldTrump: ‘House of Glass’ (video)
Now it all makes sense!
Video creator Ft. Langley rides along with POTUS until the very end.
HOUSE OF GLASS features music by Holy Fuck.