Dear Trump Voter Ashley: We are real people, not your ‘Taco Tuesday’

familyguytacosDear Ashley,

I don’t really know you very well. I met you for the first time when my family and I travelled to Rogers, Arkansas to see you marry my nephew. I knew my nephew at some point. I saw him grow up here in Los Angeles until my brother and his wife thought the streets of Woodland Hills too gang-infested and uprooted their entire family to the enclaves of my sister-in-law’s home state.

Shortly after, sometime in the 1990s, my mother and I travelled to Arkansas on an Amtrak train for two days (don’t ask – I still haven’t forgiven my mother for refusing to fly) to visit and see our family’s new dwellings.

You weren’t in the picture yet – your husband was still a teenager. Despite the torturous train ride, we relished the opportunity to spend time with my brother and his family. We were even excited to see a new part of the country.

Mas…Dear Trump Voter Ashley: We are real people, not your ‘Taco Tuesday’

OPINION: We’ve got to get back to the Hotel California

Return your focus to powerhouse California:
Don’t let post-election blues stop you in your tracks

As I write this, it appears the Democrats won the popular vote but lost the presidency, and did not gain control of the House or Senate.

The Democratic Party is INCLUSIVE – embracing all racial and ethnic groups and religions – and is PROGRESSIVE, looking forward and not looking back.

I think it’s important to keep that in mind: Let’s build a hopeful and enlightened future based upon knowledge and science, and not on desperation, ignorance, superstition, and outmoded colonialist notions.

As an educator who works with mostly newly arrived adults and their children to this country, I have the responsibility of ensuring they are not only able to communicate in English, but they are aware of their rights.

I share with them one of their choices, which is the pathway to citizenship and getting the right to vote, both hard-won and still having to be vigilantly protected by generations of women, blacks, Latinos, and Asians in this country.

Mas…OPINION: We’ve got to get back to the Hotel California

The Taco Truck Party Manifesto: Make America Asada Again (video, toon)

We Are The Taco Truck Party
Here’s Our Plan To Make America Asada Again

The reaction to last week’s dark warning by a Latino Trump supporter that unchecked Mexicans will lead to “taco trucks on every corner” has exposed a beautiful truth: America loves loncheras.

But far too many taco fans only think of the food and not the people who make it. They fight to legalize carne asada, but not the millions of raza without papers in this country whose comida they happily grub.#tacotrucksoneverycorner is the perfect opportunity to educate the unwoke—and that’s why we formed The Taco Truck Party.

People will trash Mexicans all day and the nation shrugs, but say one bad word against the taco truck down the street, and America revolts—and rightfully so.

The taco truck represents America at its finest: multicultural, forward-thinking, entrepreneurial, and with al pastor always, slowly twirling. They have spread from their birthplace of Los Angeles to all points of the United States, with street vendors and the chorizo guy who sells door to door not far behind.

But this important constituency has no national party fighting for them—until now.

Mas…The Taco Truck Party Manifesto: Make America Asada Again (video, toon)

Sing along! ‘The Taco Trucks Anthem’ (official lyrics video)

Sing along with America! The Taco Trucks Anthem was written on a taco truck napkin by POCHO amigo JIMWiCH and performed by the U.S. Marine Band and friends:

Oh beautiful for taco trucks
On every corner YES
Fresh salsa on tortilla chips
Our country God did bless

Mas…Sing along! ‘The Taco Trucks Anthem’ (official lyrics video)