Mexican farmer built pyramid because space aliens from Orion (videos)

captionalienRaymundo Corona built a stone pyramid on his farm near the Mexico-U.S. border on orders from a tall alien from the Constellation Orion named Herulayka, who had honey-colored eyes and white hair, like many Orionians, except for those other Orionians with honey-colored hair and white eyes, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Mas…Mexican farmer built pyramid because space aliens from Orion (videos)

Luminous OVNI/UFO buzzes Venezuela cemetery

CemeteryUFOTimes are tough in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez‘ successor Commandante El Presidente Nicolas Maduro’s command economy has people scrambling for toilet paper as socialist shit production has outpaced the supply of papel higiénico.

But that’s not all! Last month, a half dozen people witnessed a glowing OVNI/UFO hovering above a cemetery near the sad country’s capital.

Héctor Escalante’s original Spanish report was translated by Inexplicata:

Mas…Luminous OVNI/UFO buzzes Venezuela cemetery

TV crew records purple OVNI/UFO hovering over Lima, Peru (videos)

A TV production crew in Lima, Peru, has videotaped a purple disc-shaped OVNI/UFO hovering near a construction site.

Television show Alto al Crimen was shooting an episode in the upscale Miraflores district on February 10, when the show’s host, Congressman Renzo Reggiardo, stopped an interview to allow his cameraman to shoot the strange-looking object:

Mas…TV crew records purple OVNI/UFO hovering over Lima, Peru (videos)

WTF is it? A horse-shaped UFO/OVNI hovers over Colima volcano (video)

Either a giant horse or a UFO/OVNI shaped like a giant horse appeared suddenly over Mexico’s Colima volcano last week.

“WTF is going on?” asked Britain’s Daily Mail:

  • Collecting samples for your home planet?
  • Dark UFO resembling a flying horse is caught on film hovering by erupting Mexican volcano
  • Object was spotted close to volcano Colima located in western Mexico
  • Appeared to have two legs and came into view out of nowhere
  • Witness said it looked like a ‘horse’ with a ‘very large body’
  • Authorities said it is most likely a drone – they are currently investigating


Mas…WTF is it? A horse-shaped UFO/OVNI hovers over Colima volcano (video)

Recent UFO/OVNI videos put (alien hotspot?) Colombia on edge

Recent eyewitness reports, still photos and videos of UFO/OVNIs over Colombia have some observers wondering if this South American country is a top space alien tourist destination while other, more skeptical, observers cry “shenanigans!”

Open Minds TV reports:

The media has picked up on a few alleged UFO videos from Colombia, prompting some to ask whether it is a new UFO hotspot. Many of the facts regarding the videos have been misreported by UFO websites, causing confusion and dubious conclusions on their part. Furthermore, some researchers think the objects in the videos are likely very terrestrial in origin.

Mas…Recent UFO/OVNI videos put (alien hotspot?) Colombia on edge

Extraterrestres y UFOs/OVNIs visit Santa Rosa, Argentina

extraterrestresReports of vari-colored luminous OVNIs and strange beings with big heads are coming from “dozens of eyewitnesses who claim having seen them in broad daylight and under various circumstances. Not merely one, but several of them flying over the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa [Argentina], and several localities of this region,” according to Inexplicata:

Mas…Extraterrestres y UFOs/OVNIs visit Santa Rosa, Argentina

Chile officials: UFO/OVNI pics show real UFO/OVNI (photos)

chileufo1Officials at the Chilean government agency in charge of investigating anomalous aerial phenomena have confirmed that photos taken last year at a copper mine in the remote north Andes are definitely photos of an anomalous aerial phenomenon, or Objecto Volante Non Identificado.

The photos show a disc-shaped unidentified flying object with an internal glow, according to the experts, who concluded that the photos were genuine.

Mas…Chile officials: UFO/OVNI pics show real UFO/OVNI (photos)

What is it? Multicolored UFO/OVNI buzzes beach in Chile (video)

la_serena_ufo_2 A colorful OVNI/UFO buzzed the beachfront promenade in the northern Chilean city of La Serena and was recorded by a group of young people late last month.

OpenMindsTV reports:

The video was recorded at the La Serena beachfront promenade La Avenida del Mar, a location popular with tourists. As Chilean news site El Observatodo describes, the UFO video shows a small yellow light moving in the sky at different speeds and quickly changing altitude. And, according to UFO Digest, one of the witnesses can be heard in the video stating that the UFO lands in an empty lot on the beach before ascending again.

Mas…What is it? Multicolored UFO/OVNI buzzes beach in Chile (video)