La Cucaracha: Janet Air, secret Area 51 airline, needs flight attendants
[EDITOR’S NOTE:Janet Air? Huh? Click here to learn more.]
We’re up to our ears in Mexicans, so ‘Maybe I’ll vote this year’ (video)
Maybe I’ll vote this year. Really, as long as I remember where the place is and I can get a space, and if, well, it depends what’s going on that day. After all, “we’re up to our ears in Mexicans!” (An epic musical production.)
H/T LAObserved.com.
Ñewsweek: Super Taco Tuesday, mujeres and media mensos

POCHO’s favorite candidate, the mariachi-like Mexican Mitt Romney, scored the combo plate of election success in the Super Taco Tuesday primaries but fellow Republican Rush Limbaugh stepped in a big pile of slut when he opened his fat mouth. Dear Rush: Are you finished? Then wipe yourself!
Here are some of the stories that made our ñewsweek: