Jessica Williams goes to Dallas, Tejas, so she can report on the real Cinco de Mayo for Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show.
I was a DREAMer before it was cool — and I got deported
The immigrant rights movement has reached one of the most important milestones of the last two decades. Finally, politicians are responding to the demands of advocates asking to reform a broken immigration system that has marginalized millions of undocumented immigrants.
We see this in the form of Senate Bill 744 proposed by the Bipartisan Senate Coalition referred to as the “Gang-of-Eight” which is by far the most comprehensive piece of legislation we have seen in recent years. Such progress is due to the masses of brave DREAMers (undocumented youth) who came out of the shadows to declare their legal status for the purpose of telling their stories to the American public.
British video shows easy way to solve the ‘illegal immigrant’ problem
“According to government figures, there are over a million illegal immigrants living in the U.K.,” says the video producer. “This 30-second eye opener provides a simple solution and is guaranteed to stop illegal immigrants hiding in your cupboards. Watch it and pass it on.”
How Gov. Schwarzenegger terminated Mexican alien problems (video)
Following a successful career battling aliens on screen, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected and reelected as Governator of Califas This video looks back at how he handled aliens on the Golden Estate’s border with Mexico in 2007.
La Santa Cecilia: ‘El Hielo (ICE)’ is loose on the streets (music video)
East Los band La Santa Cecilia is out with a new song and video about la MIGRA, AKA ICE AKA Immigration and Customs Enforcement AKA El Hielo. Here are the lyrics in English and Spanish courtesy
Mas…La Santa Cecilia: ‘El Hielo (ICE)’ is loose on the streets (music video)
Rand Paul: Don’t call my plan ‘Pathway to Citizenship’
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, D.C.) Master flip-flopper Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) now supports allowing undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States, receive legal status and eventually apply to become citizens, just so long as he can call them “chili-choking pepper bellies” and they provide lawn service to his friends and family.
But Paul said he would rather not use the term “pathway to citizenship” because it makes him feel “soft” and he feels he should be “hard.” On immigration.
“I think we’re trapped. I mean, I hate these goddamn people. They disgust me and make me my and my dad’s skin crawl. And believe me, it takes a lot to make that bastard’s skin crawl. I’d like nothing more them to send them to the frickin’ moon but the immigration debate has been trapped and it’s been polarized by two terms: ‘path to citizenship’ and ‘amnesty,'” Rand told reporters on a conference call Tuesday.
Chilanga DREAMer Aury Martinez is all ‘Si Se Puede!’ (NSFW video)
President Obama’s “deferred action” program is working out really well for DREAMer Aury Martinez. (NSFW audio.)
PNS*Hot*Flash: Sequestration Proclamation frees the ‘Pedroes’
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, DC) President Barack Obama today issued a “Sequestration Proclamation,” which authorizes the freeing of an additional 300 undocumented immigrants from detention centers around the country in advance of looming budget cuts.
While Republicans claimed the freeing of these so-called “Pedroes” would lead to the total collapse of the U.S. economy, the only immediate impact has been the creation of 900 new jobs.
Obama is being hailed as “The Great Sequestrator” by Latinos around the country, and Obama-themed corridos are already staples on Mexican radio.
Mas…PNS*Hot*Flash: Sequestration Proclamation frees the ‘Pedroes’
Oscar-winning documentary ‘Inocente’ (complete video)
Inocente got an Oscar for Best Documentary Short at the 2013 Academy Awards Sunday evening.
Documentary: ‘Mundo Al Revés – World Upside Down’ (NSFW video)
Johnny Mp, who comes from Peru, made this documentary to show the hard life of an immigrant — living, working and loving. Can you relate? (NSFW language.)
‘Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permits’ were a mistake, so sorry (video)
Hey, all you Hispanics! We’re sorry — it was a big mistake. Ha ha ha, a joke gone bad. No, a mistake. You know those Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit stickers we were selling in our Colorado gas stations with convenience stores managed by that national convenience store conglomerate that ordered the shiny multi-colored bumper stickers from a Kansas “novelty” manufacturer?
Mas…‘Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permits’ were a mistake, so sorry (video)
Mexclusive: Pocho Ocho steps on the GOP’s ‘Path to Citizenship’
The Republican Party has jumped on the immigration reform bandwagon with their own “Path to Citizenship” proposals. Here are the GOP’s pocho ocho ways undocumented residents can get legal:
8. Mow Mitt Romney’s lawn
7. Pose for publicity photo with AZ Gov. Jan Brewja
6. Pretend you’re “Hispanic” for the CIA
Mas…Mexclusive: Pocho Ocho steps on the GOP’s ‘Path to Citizenship’
New how-to video from ‘Immigration Flirtation’
Is that a green card in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Happy 78th Birthday Elvis Presley, undocumented worker (video)
El Rey de Rock Elvis Presley would have been 78 today. Here, in Fun in Acapulco, he needs to score cash but he has no working papers. What to do?
Gringo uses the old Christianity trick to get past the MIGRA (video)
The best defense is good offense, pochos. Watch and learn!
If only these undocumented immigrants had seen the video before they got stopped in the middle of Oklahoma!
Mas…Gringo uses the old Christianity trick to get past the MIGRA (video)
Is it a crime to cross the line? ‘Dame Agua, Give Me Water’ (video)
A nameless man — let’s call him Juan Doe — dies in the desert near the border. This is his song: Dame Agua from Eric Holland‘s CD American Inmigrante.
For undocumented students, every day is a day in ‘Limbo’ (video)
Three undocumented Los Angeles students were given small video cameras to record their lives for three months. Limbo is their story.
Sitting in limbo, eh? Jimmy Cliff knows all about that:
Mas…For undocumented students, every day is a day in ‘Limbo’ (video)
Radioambulante: When Lalo invented ‘Self Deportation’ (audio)
Lalo Alcaraz AKA Daniel D. Portado invented Self Deportation as a joke in 1994, and now it’s part of Gov. Mitt Romney’s platform. Nancy Lopez interviewed the Jefe-in-Chief for Radioambulante.
Don’t wait for immigration reform: PORT-A-BORDER is here! (video)
“Comprehensive immigration reform” is like the weather — everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it. That’s why real Americans are going wild over PORT-A-BORDER, the personal hi-tech illegal immigration solution that keeps those darn Mexicans out of your personal space. (Possibly NSFW language.)
Latino-lover Romney visits a Chipotle store for a photo opportunity
Latino-loving GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney stopped by a Denver Chipotle outlet for a photo-opportunity today. What’s for lonche, Mitt?
- MORE PHOTOS LIKE THIS: BFFs Mitt, Darryl visit Latino sites for Hispanic Heritage Month (photos)
CA’s Jerry Brown vetoes ‘Trust Act,’ AZ’s Jan Brewer approves
(PNS reporting from ARIZONA) Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has deemed California Gov. Jerry Brown an honorary citizen following his veto of the Golden State’s Trust Act which would have ended deportation of undocumented immigrants busted for minor offenses.
Jan Brewer, Arizona’s governor notorious for her signing of the state’s racial profiling bill, SB1070, issued Brown honorary residence in her state. “Anyone who can manage to deny basic protections to domestic workers, farm workers, and entire immigrant families, all in one night, is bound to need some friends,” explained Brewer. “I want him to know, Jerr, you’ve got a friend in me.”
Mas…CA’s Jerry Brown vetoes ‘Trust Act,’ AZ’s Jan Brewer approves
Sector Sabana Abajo ‘We Are Latinos’ (video) English/Spanish lyrics
Sector Abana Abajo presents We Are Latinos featuring singer Jackie Santos. This song is dedicated to all the world’s Latinos, especially to those who struggle every day in the U.S.
Here are the lyrics in Spanish and English courtesy Los Padrotes Music:
Mas…Sector Sabana Abajo ‘We Are Latinos’ (video) English/Spanish lyrics
Illegal Border Crossing Park – a night in Hell for under $20! (video)
Tired of Machu Pichu? Eco-tourism in Borneo too old school? Disneyworld — been there done that? Visit exciting Illegal Border Crossing Park where you can spend a terrified night being hunted by “La Migra.” Under $20 per person!
H/T Huffington Post.
Chico is undocumented, unafraid: ‘My Immigration Status’ (video)
Chico Mendez sings the song of dreamers: My Immigration Status. (NSFW language.)
Ñewsweek: Romney? Ya No Más, I wish I were Latino; iPhone La Raza
Say hello to Angry Abuelas, pochos. The new iPhone 5 — code-named La Raza — is especially designed for Latinos.
Two videos broke the news: GOP presidential wannabe Mitt Romney wished he were a puro Latino and his campaign released a new Spanish-language ad aimed at “white Hispanics.”
In science ñews, cilantro haters breathed a sigh of relief as genetics proved it was not their fault and the new African monkey species looks familiar somehow.
Here are the links:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Romney? Ya No Más, I wish I were Latino; iPhone La Raza
Sheriff Joe gears up for tough re-election battle, reveals secret weapon
(PNS reporting from PHOENIX) Arizona’s toughest sheriff, Joe Arpaio, might soon be known as Arizona’s fiercest sheriff. Arpaio is gearing up for what he expects will be the toughest of his five re-election campaigns and he is pulling out all the stops this time by revealing his alter ego, “KoKo.”
No stranger to controversy, Arpaio is facing a determined effort from immigration rights activists and the Justice Department to push him out of office but says that “KoKo” will give him the edge this time in fending off his enemies.
A ruling in a lawsuit that alleges his department violated the civil rights of Latinos is expected any day now but Arpaio says that he will weather the storm with “swag and style” the likes of which Maricopa County has never witnessed.
Mas…Sheriff Joe gears up for tough re-election battle, reveals secret weapon
Take back the world: Vote the Dinosaur Party in 2012 (toon)
Breaking: AZ Gov. Jan Brewja endorses President Obama (video)
Arizona Gov. Janet Brewer (AKA Jan Brewja) has surprising news for America.
Mas…Breaking: AZ Gov. Jan Brewja endorses President Obama (video)
Young undocumented immigrants line up to apply for Deferred Action
(PNS reporting from CHICAGO) Hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to this country as children are applying today for a deportation reprieve under a new program established by the Obama administration.
DREAMers will receive a two-year deferment of deportation proceedings. If approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, those DREAMers can also apply for a work permit and later reapply for another deportation deferment.
Some of the details of the program are still being ironed out. Eliseo Medrano of Aurora, who was lined up (photo, left) at the Chicago FCIS Office said, “I didn’t know there was going to be a talent portion to the application today. I suppose I can sing “Volver” or something.”
Mas…Young undocumented immigrants line up to apply for Deferred Action