Chile officials: UFO/OVNI pics show real UFO/OVNI (photos)

chileufo1Officials at the Chilean government agency in charge of investigating anomalous aerial phenomena have confirmed that photos taken last year at a copper mine in the remote north Andes are definitely photos of an anomalous aerial phenomenon, or Objecto Volante Non Identificado.

The photos show a disc-shaped unidentified flying object with an internal glow, according to the experts, who concluded that the photos were genuine.

Mas…Chile officials: UFO/OVNI pics show real UFO/OVNI (photos)

Are UFO/OVNIs flying into the Popocatepetl volcano AGAIN? (video)

That Popocatepetl OVNI/UFO that wasn’t really there last time is back again, captured over the weekend by the 24/7 PopoCam. This time, the “optical illusion” — or whatever they end up calling it — heads from outer espace PAST the smoldering crater and then hangs a U-TURN before diving into the volcano.


Mas…Are UFO/OVNIs flying into the Popocatepetl volcano AGAIN? (video)