Narco corridos are so over! El Chapo has a narco juego (video)

Was it inevitable? Nevertheless, here it is: El Chapo Fat ‘n’ Furious, a new smartphone video game.

We’ll let the creators tell the story:

In a 16-bits graphic vintage style, which perfectly syncs to the shifted-tone gameplay, the player finds himself in the shoes of El Chapo on the day of his escape. As he gets on his bike the mad rush begins!

Mas…Narco corridos are so over! El Chapo has a narco juego (video)

Adventures of Kim Jong-Un: He so talent, he so strong (video, photos)

Just a few seconds into The Adventures of Kim Jong-Un, it’s clear he so talent, he so strong. Give the guy credit.

And before the Kimster blows us all to Hell, please enjoy these photos our reporter in North Korea (moi) smuggled out earlier this year:

Mas…Adventures of Kim Jong-Un: He so talent, he so strong (video, photos)

Pee-powered urinal game consoles make splash at Coca-Cola Park

(PNS reporting from ALLENTOWN) If you’re a fan of the baseball minor league IronPigs in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, urine luck next time you catch a home game at Coca-Cola Park in Allentown.

The urinals in the men’s rooms at the stadium now feature pee-powered video game consoles where writing your name as a high scorer is just a zip away.

WPVI Channel 6 Action News in nearby Philadelphia explains:

The screen above the urinal goes into game mode when the user approaches. The games, including alpine skiing, monitor the user’s aim to test their agility and knowledge.

Users will receive their score upon completion, which officials say is an average of over 55 seconds.

Users with high scores will be happy to know that they will be displayed in real-time across various videoboard displays within Coca-Cola Park.

Mas…Pee-powered urinal game consoles make splash at Coca-Cola Park