Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano spews large column of ash (video)
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano spewed a large column of ash and vapor Tuesday afternoon. The eruption took place at 16:40 PM (22:40 GMT) and reached a height of 3,500 metres (11,482 feet), according to Luis Felipe Puente, the national coordinator of civil protection.
Mt. Popo lies just 50 miles (80 kilometres) southeast of Mexico City, and it is one of the country’s most active volcanoes. [Video by The Netherland’s BNO News.]
Luminous UFO/OVNI buzzes Colima Volcano on July 4 (video)
Rockets’ red glare? Bombs bursting in air? Nope, just your typical cigar-shaped glowing Objeto Volador No Identificado flying over an erupting Volcan de Colima on July 4.
Webcam spots UFOs/OVNIs over Colima volcano (video)
Mexico’s Colima volcano is erupting again, and the spectacular explosions attracted the attention of our Space Brothers, whose recent visits were captured by the 24/7 webcams pointed at the magic mountain.
Thousands flee as Chile’s Villarrica volcano erupts violently (video)
Lava, ash and molten rock spewed thousands of feet into the air in a series of massive explosions at the Villarrica volcano in southern Chile Tuesday.
WTF is it? A horse-shaped UFO/OVNI hovers over Colima volcano (video)
Either a giant horse or a UFO/OVNI shaped like a giant horse appeared suddenly over Mexico’s Colima volcano last week.
“WTF is going on?” asked Britain’s Daily Mail:
- Collecting samples for your home planet?
- Dark UFO resembling a flying horse is caught on film hovering by erupting Mexican volcano
- Object was spotted close to volcano Colima located in western Mexico
- Appeared to have two legs and came into view out of nowhere
- Witness said it looked like a ‘horse’ with a ‘very large body’
- Authorities said it is most likely a drone – they are currently investigating
Mas…WTF is it? A horse-shaped UFO/OVNI hovers over Colima volcano (video)
Mexican volcano video way more dramatic with orchestral strings
If you’re going to upload a Mexican volcano webcam video of Colima exploding on January 21, be sure to add tension and release with a dramatic soundtrack featuring orchestral string and horn sections.
Srsly! Check out the same volcano-cam video uploaded by news channel RUPTLY without the music:
Mas…Mexican volcano video way more dramatic with orchestral strings
Mexican ski patrol spots El Bigfoot climbing Popocatepetl (video)
A Mexican mountain rescue team has photographed giant creatures climbing the slopes of Popocatepetl faster than humanly possible.
Mas…Mexican ski patrol spots El Bigfoot climbing Popocatepetl (video)
Popocatépetl volcano explodes 3 times in 24 hours (videos)
Mexico City’s volcano next door, Popocatépetl, erupted three times Sunday. (Note: You are not losing your hearing. This webcam video is silent. You’re welcome.)
El volcán Popocatépetl presentó en las últimas 24 horas, tres explosiones que generaron columnas de más de 800 kilómetros sobre el cráter, una de ellas, la mañana de este domingo a las 9:38 horas.
Here’s a video view from the other side of the mountain:
Mas…Popocatépetl volcano explodes 3 times in 24 hours (videos)
Popocatépetl erupts again, threat level raised, and we’ve got videos
National Geographic reports:
Less than 40 miles outside of Mexico City, the volcano Popocatépetl is erupting, sending ash plumes roughly two miles into the atmosphere. Over the weekend, airlines took the precaution of cancelling flights out of Mexico City, even though the airport itself remained open.
Authorities have upgraded the threat status of the volcano from Yellow-Phase 2 to Yellow-Phase 3.
This news report from Canal Estrella TV (video, above) offers an aerial perspective you don’t often get to see.
Here’s the PopoCam video:
Mas…Popocatépetl erupts again, threat level raised, and we’ve got videos
Popocatépetl explodes again, webcam gets it all (video)
Popocatépetl blew its top again Monday afternoon and a webcam captured it all.
Are UFO/OVNIs flying into the Popocatepetl volcano AGAIN? (video)
That Popocatepetl OVNI/UFO that wasn’t really there last time is back again, captured over the weekend by the 24/7 PopoCam. This time, the “optical illusion” — or whatever they end up calling it — heads from outer espace PAST the smoldering crater and then hangs a U-TURN before diving into the volcano.
Mas…Are UFO/OVNIs flying into the Popocatepetl volcano AGAIN? (video)
UFO/OVNI sightings over Popocatepetl, Santa Clarita CA (videos)
The UFO/OVNI sightings of bright lights flying into Mexico City’s Popocateptl volcano — the ones authorities said were optical illusions last time around — have shown up on TV news again.
And peep this video of what appears to be the Mothership flying over Santa Clarita, northwest of Los Angeles:
Mas…UFO/OVNI sightings over Popocatepetl, Santa Clarita CA (videos)
Breaking: Venezuelan astronomer reveals Mayan Apocalypse schedule
Email from astronomer and Venezuelan native Ricardo Salamé Páez details today’s schedule for the Mayan Apocalypse:
HORARIO DEL FIN DEL MUNDO para los Habla Hispana
06:30 – Apertura del Fin
07:00 – Lluvia de meteoritos
08:30 – Llegada del primer tsunami
10:00 – Bienvenida de los ovnis
10:30 – flashmob baile de ovnis al estilo de Gangnam
… 11:36 – Comienzo de la Destrucción (sub.)
12:00 – Eclipse y la alineación de todos los planetas del sistema solar
12:00-14:00 – ALMUERZO
Mas…Breaking: Venezuelan astronomer reveals Mayan Apocalypse schedule
Mile-long UFO flies down INTO smoldering Popocatepetl (video)
From Televisia comes this report of a gigantic (mile-long?) cylindrical UFO/OVNI flying down INTO Popo. The UFO’s descent was captured by a 24/7 volcano cam that’s fixed on the peak, which is south of Mexico City.
Mas…Mile-long UFO flies down INTO smoldering Popocatepetl (video)
Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012: Volcanoes and tsunamis (video)
In an age when books have trailers, some trailers float higher in the flotsam and jetsam of mass-market, dead-tree publishing, especially when they graphically portray the destructive American volcanos and Atlantic tsunamis that will rock your world on Dec. 21. [See POCHO’s Mexclusive Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012 Countdown Clock in the right column of this page.]
Video: Strange noises terrify TX and OK, Popocatepetl rumbling

Every day brings us closer to Mayan Doomsday — Mother Earth will not rest.
Terrified reports of strange, unearthly noises have moved from the Upper Midwest and Canada to the Southwest, scaring the crap out of people in Amarillo, TX and rural Rogers County, OK.
South of the border, Mexican authorities just raised the alert level at the Popocatepetl volcano outside Mexico City.
The Amarillo incident is on video shot by two DJs from KISS FM who ran out of the studio to capture the ghostly howl (below).
Mas…Video: Strange noises terrify TX and OK, Popocatepetl rumbling