voto latino
We’re up to our ears in Mexicans, so ‘Maybe I’ll vote this year’ (video)
Maybe I’ll vote this year. Really, as long as I remember where the place is and I can get a space, and if, well, it depends what’s going on that day. After all, “we’re up to our ears in Mexicans!” (An epic musical production.)
Toke the Vote urges big turnout for Tuesday Presidential election
(PNS reporting from OAKLAND) “Are you planning on voting Tuesday, brah?” Dale Mendoza scrunched his eyes shut behind his dark sunglasses as he concentrated on his phone call with a potential voter in Arkansas.
“This election is critical, OK, and we totally need your vote.” Mendoza (photo, left) was the team leader of two dozen phone bank volunteers in a basement office in this Northern California city, possible the country’s most pot-friendly municipality.
The smoke-filled room is a California outpost of Toke the Vote, a coalition of pro-marijuana political activists backed by the Zig-Zag cigarette papers company and ConAgra’s Screaming Yellow Zonkers snack products.
Mas…Toke the Vote urges big turnout for Tuesday Presidential election
Molotov: ‘Voto Latino (para la igualdad de razas)’ (music video, lyrics)
Every vote counts, pochos! And Mexican rockers Molotov’s Voto Latino remind voters what’s important. We’ve got the lyrics here:
Mas…Molotov: ‘Voto Latino (para la igualdad de razas)’ (music video, lyrics)