An 8½” 20RPM disc containing this 11-minute recording was found on the elevator at 205 W. 57th St. in New York City on Feb. 11, 1969 by the composer Clark Gesner.
Mas…Clark Gesner: ‘Found on the Elevator’ (audio science fiction)
An 8½” 20RPM disc containing this 11-minute recording was found on the elevator at 205 W. 57th St. in New York City on Feb. 11, 1969 by the composer Clark Gesner.
Mas…Clark Gesner: ‘Found on the Elevator’ (audio science fiction)
The surviving guys (minus one) of the band formerly known as WAR (East Los favorites) are now the Lowrider Band. This just-released video is their OG salute to the ordinary man who works hard all day at a job he hates so he can take care of his family.
In this video for POCHO U’s Gabacho Outreach Program (POCHO U, GOP!) I demonstrate the Chicano Handshake including a California version, a Texas version and a version with extra love. Why can’t we be friends?
Today we observe Veterans Day, AKA Armistice Day, which marks the end of the first World War.
Dulce et Decorum est is a poem written by poet Wilfred Owen in 1917, during the War, and published posthumously in 1920. Owen’s poem is known for its horrific imagery and condemnation of war.
They don’t use poison gas any more (attention, Bashar Al-Assad in Syria) but phosphorous flares and drone strikes aren’t much fun either.
POCHO dedicates this poem to all our veterans in gratitude for their service and sacrifice and with the hope no child will ever be sent into war again.
Mas…For the Veterans: Anti-war poem from WWI: ‘Dulce et decorum est’
Michael Jackson stars as the Jackson Family mashes up WAR‘s Cisco Kid and Bob Marley‘s I Shot the Sheriff in this clip from their 19977/78 season.
And here’s WAR:
Mas…When Michael Jackson was ‘The Cisco Kid’ (1977) plus WAR [videos]
(PNS reporting from DIXIE) Though the competition was stiffer than Ronald Reagan’s corpse, retired MLB douchebag and Twitter hack Jose Canseco has been declared the Worst Mexican of All Time by ex-professional wrestler The Iron Sheik.
Canseco has the “raisin balls” and is an embarrassment to all of Mexico, The Sheik told PNS.
The contest was too close to call by many Mexperts but after the votes were tallied, Canseco won the prestigious title hands down, beating out Geraldo Rivera, Tito Santana, Raffi Torres, Mel Gibson, O.J. Simpson and Mario Lopez.
When notified he did not win, Geraldo responded by weeping on Fox and Friends, remarking that he felt “manually raped” by the results.
Mas…Twitter War! Iron Sheik says Jose Canseco ‘Worst Mexican of All Time’
(PNS reporting from BAJA NALGAS) The narcotraficante shoot-outs in this border town typically take 30 or 40 seconds. A discerning listener might notice — amid the screams, the pop-pop-pop of semiautomatic pistol fire and the distinctive rat-a-tat-tat of submachineguns — the jingle-jangle-jingle of spent brass cartridges hitting the street.
When the smoke clears, survivors, if any, are taken to the hospital and the dead are carted to the morgue. A city crew hoses off the blood and the police let traffic through.
And then the kids come — a pack of boys, tween scavengers. They methodically retrieve the brass shells left on the street and take them back to Guinchimes del Sud, a local manufacturer of wind chimes, where the spent 9mm pistol and AK-47 submachinegun ammunition “brass” is recycled into musical metal sculptures that get shipped to breeze buffs in America.
But as demand for wind chimes on the U.S. side of the Rio Culero improves, Guinchimes’ path to future success is blowing in the wind.
Mas…Drug cartel shoot-out recycling means big business for one border town
TGIF Music Video Double Play: Groove on out the office with WAR’s Low Rider and Cisco Kid. How a band made up of six African-Americans and a Jew from Denmark turned into one of Latinos’ favorite groups is a long story, but the songs WAR wrote at 7417 Sunset Blvd. were definitely happenin’ in the hood. All but one of WAR’s surviving original members now perform as the Lowrider Band.
Mas…WAR ‘(All My Friends Know the) Low Rider’ plus ‘Cisco Kid’