You know that “Mexican Judge,” Gonzalo P. Curiel? He can’t be impartial in the Trump University fraud case because he’s a member of that militant Mexican cabal known as LA RAZA.
And he’s not the only one! After all, you can’t have a conspiracy with only one conspirator, amirite?
There might even be card-carrying members of LA RAZA in your neighborhood, at your job, talking about you in Spanish at the next table over, or ohmygod in your kids’ schools!
Be aware and be prepared, America.
Here are the Pocho Ocho Best Ways to Tell if Someone Is A Member Of LA RAZA:
8. Nopal en la frente
7. MEChA meeting
6. No era penal
Mas…Pocho Ocho best ways to tell if someone is a member of ‘LA RAZA’